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GitHub Repository Helper

A screenshot of the workflow running in Alfred

An Alfred workflow GitHub repository helper. Allows you to open the chosen repository in your browser, copy its URL to your clipboard, or navigate directly to the pull requests, issues, or projects page for that repo.

Get the latest download here


  1. Navigate to, and create a new Fine-Grain Token
  2. Set the repo access to your desired level (recommended: All repositories)
    • If you set it to All repositories, under Repository permissions, find Metadata and set it to Read only
  3. Save & generate the token, and copy the value
  4. Set your GH_USERNAME and GH_TOKEN environment variables.
  5. Make sure that jq installed at /opt/homebrew/bin/jq (you can use which jq to check). If not installed, you can do so with brew: brew install jq


  • Use the ugh command to update your GitHub repo list. This will fetch all of the repos that you are a owner or contributor to, sanitize them, and generate your list
  • If any part of the ugh command fails, right-click the workflow in the sidebar, Open in Terminal, run chmod 777 *.sh, and then try the ugh command again
  • Once your list has been generated, gh <repo_name> will pull up the repository link, and you can then do the following:
    • Enter: go to repo
    • ⇧-Enter: go to pull requests
    • ⌥-Enter: go to issues
    • ⌃-Enter: go to projects
    • ⌘-Enter: copy the repo URL to your clipboard


A GitHub repository helper workflow for






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