OpenCV Encoding for Analog Gauges an Casting Data Over MQTT
Used For Liquid Gas Tank Meter Type SRG 705
requriemnts for the Python file
cv2 // Latest Version numpy // Latest Version paho.mqtt.client // Version 1.5.1
install all Pakets with Pip and Pip3 use latest Version of Pytho 3
Settings in if you use allways the same image change the lines
#get user input on min, max, values, and units print ("For image file:" + filename + "-calibration.jpg") min_angle = input('Min angle (lowest possible angle of dial) - in degrees: ') #the lowest possible angle max_angle = input('Max angle (highest possible angle) - in degrees: ') #highest possible angle min_value = input('Min value: ') #usually zero max_value = input('Max value: ') #maximum reading of the gauge units = input('Enter units: ')
#for testing purposes: hardcode and comment out raw_inputs above
# min_angle = 45
# max_angle = 320
# min_value = 0
# max_value = 200
# units = "PSI"