JSADD is a browser extension which detects common techniques implemented by websites that aim to impede, alter or detect debugging attempts using the integrated Developer Tools.
JSADD supports the detection of the following anti-debugging techniques:
- ShortCut (Impediment) [1]
- TrigBreak (Impediment) (Chromium only) [1]
- ConClear (Impediment) [1]
- ModBuilt (Alteration) [1]
- WidthDiff (Detection) [1]
- LogGet (Detection) [1]
- Firebug Lite (Detection) (Chrome only) [2]
- Chromium-based browsers (e.g. Google Chrome)
Due to the lack of support for the execution world MAIN of the scripting API in Firefox, JSADD is not supported for this browser yet.
Marius Musch and Martin Johns (2021).
“U Can’t Debug This: Detecting JavaScript Anti-Debugging Techniques in the Wild”.
In: 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21). USENIX Association pp. 2935–2950.
Sindre Sorhus.
GitHub repository devtools-detect.