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Windchime is a Rust-based command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to simplify running a QIIME2 amplicon sequencing pipeline for 16S/18S analysis. It provides integrated steps for environment setup, demultiplexing, database preparation, and executing a multi-step QIIME2 workflow—from importing files to generating merged output tables.

Note: This tool assumes that you have Conda installed and available in your system's PATH, as it leverages Conda for installing QIIME2 environments and running QIIME2 commands.


  • Conda: Required for managing the QIIME2 environment. Install Miniconda or Anaconda if you haven't already.
  • QIIME2: The pipeline depends on QIIME2 commands, which are executed within a Conda environment (windchime can install this for you).
  • Internet Connection: Needed to download database files and QIIME2 environment YAML files.
  • Supported Platform: One of the following:
    • Linux (x86_64)
    • macOS (Intel x86_64)
    • macOS (Apple Silicon ARM64)


You can install windchime using our installer script:

curl -fsSL | sh

This will:

  1. Download the latest release for your platform:
    • Linux (x86_64)
    • macOS (Intel x86_64 or Apple Silicon ARM64)
  2. Install it to ~/.windchime/bin
  3. Add it to your PATH

Alternatively, you can:

  1. Download the latest release manually from the releases page
  2. Extract it and place it in a directory in your PATH

Note: For other platforms, you'll need to build from source. See the Contributing section for development setup instructions.


Windchime is organized into several subcommands, each covering a different part of the workflow. You can enable verbose output with the -v or --verbose flag to see full command details instead of spinners.

Global Options

  • -v, --verbose
    Enable verbose output. When active, the tool prints the full QIIME commands executed.


1. Wizard

The recommended way to get started. This interactive wizard guides you through the entire workflow, prompting for necessary inputs and explaining each step.

windchime wizard

The wizard will help you:

  • Set up and verify the QIIME2 environment
  • Run demultiplexing (if needed)
  • Generate the QIIME2 manifest file
  • Download required databases
  • Configure and run the pipeline with your settings


windchime wizard

2. InstallEnv

Install (or skip if already present) the specified QIIME2 Conda environment.

windchime install-env [OPTIONS]


  • -e, --env-name <env_name>
    Name of the QIIME2 environment to install.
    Default: qiime2-amplicon-2024.10


windchime install-env --env-name qiime2-amplicon-2024.10

3. Demux

Run demultiplexing using a barcodes file. This subcommand leverages the internal demultiplex module.

windchime demux <barcodes_file>


windchime demux barcodes.tsv

4. Pipeline

Execute steps 2–7 of the QIIME2 pipeline using a QIIME2 manifest file. This command covers import, trimming, denoising, taxonomic classification, and merging outputs.

windchime pipeline [OPTIONS]


  • -e, --env-name <env_name>
    QIIME2 environment name.
    Default: qiime2-amplicon-2024.10
  • -m, --manifest <manifest>
    Path to the QIIME2 manifest file.
    Default: manifest.tsv
  • --cores <cores>
    Number of CPU cores to use.
    Default: 1
  • -t, --target <target>
    Target region: either 16s or 18s.
    Default: 18s
  • --skip-existing
    If set, skips any pipeline steps where expected output files already exist.
  • --use-pretrained-classifier
    Use a pre-trained classifier instead of training from PR2 references.
    Default: true


windchime pipeline --env-name qiime2-amplicon-2024.10 \
                   --manifest manifest.tsv \
                   --cores 4 \
                   --target 16s \

5. RunAll

A single command to run the entire workflow: install the environment (if needed), demultiplex, generate the manifest, download databases, and execute the pipeline.

windchime runall [OPTIONS]


  • -e, --env-name <env_name>
    QIIME2 environment name.
    Default: qiime2-amplicon-2024.10
  • --barcodes-file <barcodes_file>
    Path to the barcodes file for demultiplexing.
    Default: barcodes.tsv
  • -m, --manifest <manifest>
    Path for the QIIME2 manifest file.
    Default: manifest.tsv
  • --cores <cores>
    Number of CPU cores to use.
    Default: 1
  • -t, --target <target>
    Target region, either 16s or 18s.
    Default: 18s
  • --skip-existing
    Skip steps if expected outputs already exist.
  • --use-pretrained-classifier
    Use a pre-trained classifier instead of training from PR2 references.
    Default: true


windchime runall --env-name qiime2-amplicon-2024.10 \
                  --barcodes-file barcodes.tsv \
                  --manifest manifest.tsv \
                  --cores 4 \
                  --target 18s \

6. DownloadDBs

Download (and unzip) the required pr2 database files to windchime_out/db/pr2. Use the force option to re-download even if the files already exist.

windchime downloaddbs [OPTIONS]


  • -f, --force
    Force re-download and unzip even if the database files are present.
    Default: false


windchime downloaddbs --force

Pipeline Overview

Windchime's pipeline integrates several QIIME2 steps, which are executed in order:

  1. Importing Files:
    Uses a manifest file to import paired-end sequencing data into a QIIME2 artifact.
  2. Validation & Summarization:
    Validates the imported data and creates summary visualizations.
  3. Trimming Reads:
    Uses Cutadapt to remove adapter/primer sequences.
  4. Denoising with DADA2:
    Performs error correction and generates Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) using the dada2 denoise-paired command.
  5. Exporting Data:
    Exports the ASV table (BIOM format) and converts it to TSV; exports representative sequences.
  6. Taxonomic Annotation:
    Downloads and imports the pr2 database, extracts reads using target-specific primers, fits a classifier, and classifies sequences.
  7. Merging Tables:
    Merges the ASV count table with the taxonomic assignments into a single TSV output (asv_count_tax.tsv).

All generated files are stored in the windchime_out directory.

Verbose Mode

For detailed debugging information, use the --verbose (or -v) flag. In verbose mode, Windchime prints the exact QIIME2 and shell commands being executed rather than displaying progress spinners.


windchime pipeline --verbose --env-name qiime2-amplicon-2024.10 --manifest manifest.tsv


Windchime borrows significantly from the original QIIME2 ASV protocols developed by the Allen Lab at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography:


Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs or have feature suggestions, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the project repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


For further questions or feedback, please reach out to:


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