To find the inverse of intermediate matrices, two approaches are used with time compexities O(n) and O(n2) respectively.
SymPy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics. Since a number of variables are used (x1, x2...) this library provides efficient way of interpreting the variales for computation. It supports formatted matrix printing, easy interpretation of matrices, its inverse and sub-matrices.
The time is started after all the libraries are imported and before the function definition. It is stopped at the end of the program after some interations. The overall time is interpreted in milli-seconds as it is an interpretable scale for such computations.
The input file can be viewed here.
The text under '***' is viewed as comment and it represents the format of the input with some examples (along with solutions). The code checks for the type of the problem (i.e., minimisation or maximisation) and then computes the result.
The problem to be solved has to be appended below the final '***'. And it should contain the type of the problem and the constraints.
Once the file is read, it checks for the lines below the final '***' and then converts that into matrices form by a library linear_eq_to_matrix
on which computations are performed. This library takes input in the form of equations and converts them into matrices of coefficients.
With the help of SymPy, the output is formatted in matrix form.
When the input is taken as:
Maximize: z = 5x1+4x2
6x1 + 4x2 ≤ 24
x1 + 2x2 ≤ 6
-x1 + x2 ≤ 1
x2 ≤ 2
The matrices A, b, c are printed as:
The output and intermediate matrix after each iteration is printed:
When we found the inverse using both the functions on the same matrix. The following results were obtained:
- Elementary method:
def inverse1(mat,entering,leaving):
dim = mat.shape[0]
X = mat.row(leaving)/mat.row(leaving)[entering]
mat = mat.row_insert(leaving,X)
for j in range(dim):
X = mat.row(j)-mat.row(leaving)*con
mat = mat.row_insert(j,X)
return mat
The execution time was 0.9977817 ms
- Gauss Jordan method:
def inverse2(A):
size = A.shape[0]
B = eye(size)
for x in range(0,size):
V = B*A.col(x)
W = V*1
item = V[x]
for y in range(0,size):
if item != 0:
if y == x:
W[y] = 1/item
W[y] =- V[y]/item
T = B*1
T = T*1
B = T.row_insert(x,zeros(1,size)) + (W*B.row(x))
return B
The execution time was 3.027201 ms
i.e., Elementary method is ~3.1 times faster.
Justification - In elementary method, we used a single for loop whereas in gauss jordan method we used two for loops. (O(n) vs O(n2))