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Tech Design Doc: Distributed Data Transmission Network (DDTN)
As a data transmission network, NKN network may contain millions of nodes or more. Moreover, the network is dynamic as every node could join or leave the network at any time. At such scale, it is unrealistic for every node to maintain an up-to-date list of all nodes in the network. Instead, every node in the network is only connected to and aware of a few other nodes in the network which are called neighbors.
Network topology, determined by the choice of neighbors, is crucial to performance and security. To be scalable and secure, we need to choose a proper topology that has the following properties: (1) network should be connected and has small diameter; (2) efficient routing algorithms exist between any node pairs using only information about neighbors; (3) load is balanced among nodes given random traffic with uniformly distributed source and destination; (4) choice of neighbors should be unpredictable but verifiable to prevent attacks.
We use the network topology of Chord Distributed Hash Table (DHT). Each node has an m-bit random address on the ring. Node is connected to a set of other O(logN) nodes that have specific distance from it such that the choice of neighbors can be verified. Routing between any node pair is up to O(logN) and is deterministic and verifiable given the topology.
Chord DHT is not the most popular DHT in industry. Kademlia DHT, for example, has been used in more systems. The reason we choose Chord DHT is its verifiability. Chord DHT, despite having more complex protocol, has the unique advantage that the choice of neighbors and route is deterministic given all nodes address on the ring. Both are verifiable to any other nodes. However, in Kademlia DHT, each node is supposed to choose neighbors that have specific address prefix and are most recently seen, which is not verifiable to other nodes. Thus, a node effectively has freedom to choose its neighbors in each bucket as long as the prefix are the same, and it's very hard to prevent a node in a malicious party from choosing other nodes in the party as neighbors or next hop in route. By doing so, the malicious party can gain unfair economic rewards, and can even control the election of mining nodes. This is not a problem in other (non-incentive) distributed systems, but is a disaster in (public) blockchain.
There are two major types of devices in NKN network: nodes and clients. A node is a device that sends, receives, and most importantly, relays data. A client is a device that only sends and receives data, but not relays data. Clients interact with the rest of the NKN network through nodes.
Nodes are the maintainers and contributors of the NKN network and thus receive token rewards. A node needs to have a public IP address to receive messages from nodes that have not yet established connections with it.
Clients are consumers in the NKN network that pay nodes to relay data or receive data through nodes. A client does not need to have an public IP address as it will establish connections with nodes and then send and receive data through them.
Every node and client in NKN network has a unique m-bit NKN address between 0 and 2^m - 1. Nodes and clients share the same address space. Once a node or client joins the NKN network and has a NKN address, IP address is no longer needed for other nodes to send traffic to it. Instead, NKN address is the only information needed to send packets to a node or client. The role of NKN address in NKN network is similar to IP address in the Internet.
Please refer to NKN Address Scheme for how nodes and clients choose NKN address.
The distance from NKN addresses x to y is defined as
dist(x, y) = (y - x) mod 2^m
which satisfies the following conditions:
- dist(x, y) >= 0
- dist(x, y) = 0 if and only if x = y
- dist(x, z) <= dist(x, y) + dist(y, z)
- dist(x, y) = dist(x + a, y + a)
Note that the distance metric is asymmetric such that dist(x, y) (distance from x to y) is generally not equal to dist(y, x).
We first define the successor and predecessor node of any NKN address x
successor(x) = argmin_y {dist(x, y) | y in all nodes}
predecessor(x) = argmin_y {dist(y, x) | y in all nodes}
Successor and predecessor of a node can be defined similarly, except that the successor and predecessor of a node cannot be itself. If node x is the successor of node y, then y is the predecessor of x.
Each node x in NKN network has a few neighbors:
successor((x + 2^i) mod 2^m), 0 <= i < m
{y | x is a neighbor of y}
Since not all NKN addresses are assigned to nodes, some neighbors above point to the same node. It is worth mentioning that neighbors are defined to be symmetric such that if y is a neighbor of x, x is also a neighbor of y. The expected number of neighbors of a node is O(log(N)).
Clients connect to the NKN network through nodes. Client at NKN address x is connected to predecessor(x). The client sends and receives data only through established connections with the node it's connected to and thus no client public IP address is needed. Clients in the NKN network are similar to keys in Chord DHT (except that it's connected to its predecessor rather than successor).
Although there are other topology that may lead to more efficient routing path, our choice has a critical advantage that is each choice of neighbor can be verified by at least one other node. Suppose a node at address x should choose A as its i-th successor node. In such case, there are no nodes between address (x + 2^i) mod 2^m and A, and A should have known this information from its predecessor. Thus A knows that itself should be a neighbor of x. If node x does not choose A as a neighbor, A is able to falsify it. Similarly, if x chooses another node between A and (x + 2^(i+1)) mod 2^m in addition to A as neighbors, A should also be able to falsify it. Verifiability is crucial to an open network that may have a nontrivial portion of malicious nodes. It greatly reduces the possibility that malicious nodes choose specific neighbors to attack the system.
Given an established NKN network, routing can be achieved in a greedy algorithm using only information about neighbors. When a node wants to send or relay a packet to a destination address, it sends the packet to the neighbor that has the smallest distance to the destination address. The remaining distance becomes at most the half of the previous value for each relay, thus decreases exponentially or faster as the packet is being relayed. Similar to Chord DHT, the expected number of hops is O(log(N)) given uniformly distributed addresses.
If the destination address is a client rather than a node, the above routing stops until the packet reaches the node connected to the client. This node then relays the packet to the client through the established connection.
The route between any two node pair is verifiable. Suppose a node sending a packet to destination address D should choose its neighbor A as the next hop while it actually chose neighbor B. From the routing rule we know that dist(A, D) < dist(B, D). Then A is able to falsify the route. If the node chose a non-neighbor node as the next hop, then such route can be falsified by the actual neighbor as discussed previously. The verifiability of routing is crucial to reduce the possibility of forming routes consisting of only malicious nodes. For a practical relay path validation algorithm, please see Relay Path Validation.
NKN network is an open network. It is inevitable that nodes will join and leave the network at any time, with or without prior notification. To efficiently maintain the NKN network, each node locally maintains three lists:
- Its successors and predecessors. At least one successor and one predecessor is needed, while keeping more nodes in the list enhances fault tolerance.
- Its neighbors.
- Clients connected to it.
Nodes update these lists in response to topology changes. For efficiency, it is important that when a node or client join or leave the network, only a small portion of the other nodes (up to O(logN)) are updated. We have the following protocols that satisfy our goal in dynamic environments. One can find more details in related reference such as https://arxiv.org/pdf/1502.06461.pdf
When a node wants to join the NKN network, it needs to know at least one other node that is already in the network. We provide bootstrap servers for this purpose while other sources can also be used. After getting in touch with at least one other node in the NKN network, it executes the following procedures:
- Ask for the latest block hash to compute its own NKN address x.
- Send messages to successor(x) and predecessor(x) to get its successor and predecessor.
- Ask its successor and predecessor for their neighbors.
- Identify neighbors using the successor neighbors of its predecessor and predecessor neighbors of its successor. For neighbors that cannot be determined, send message to the theoretical NKN address to get actual neighbor address.
- Identify nodes that need to update their neighbors using the list of neighbors of its successor and predecessor. Notify these nodes to update neighbors.
- Take over responsive clients from its predecessor.
When a node wants to leave the NKN network, it executes the following procedures:
- Notify neighbors to update their neighbors by sending them its successor or predecessor.
- Hand its responsive clients to its predecessor.
In case of node fails (leave without executing the above procedures), its neighbors will notice this and remove it from the list. Clients connected to it will get the updated node to connect to for gateway before connected to a new node.
When a client at address x wants to join the network, it gets in touch with at least one node in the network, and ask for predecessor(x) to get the node it should connect to. It then connects to predecessor(x).
When a client wants to leave the network, it notifies its connected node to remove it from the client list.
In case of client fails, its connected nodes will notice this as the established connections fail. Nodes then remove the client from the list.
Each node periodically sends keepalive messages to its neighbors. When a node receives a keepalive message, it sends back its successor and predecessor in response, which is used to maintain the successor and predecessor of neighbors at each node.
Periodically, a node asks its successors/predecessors/neighbors for the predecessor of its successor and the successor of its predecessor to make sure the topology is correct.