Just a simple user interface for the board game trax. This is the final project of a Java course during first year of a master's degree.
If you don't want to import the whole project but just the src/
and img/
folders you can later compile it by running this command in your terminal :
javac src/*.java -d bin
For launching you can simply open the trax.jar
file, if it does nothing launch the trax.bat
file or use this command in your terminal :
java -jar trax.jar
If you want to generate your own .jar file from the import you will need the manifest provided in src/META-INF
and then use the command :
jar cvfm trax.jar "src/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" bin/*.class
Finally, if you want to launch the application without the .jar file you can use the command :
java -cp bin Game