A dark theme for vim/neovim based on MattDMo's SublimeText Neon-color-scheme.
Please note that this theme has slightly diverged from the parent theme over time as more and more specialized syntax groups were added to the original.
Includes improved syntax highlighting for the following languages using nvim-treesitter:
- php
- phpdoc
- comment
- javascript
- typescript
Includes improved sytax highlighting for PHP using StanAngeloff/php.vim syntax groups. (If you're using regular vim or neovim without treesitter).
Use a plugin manager and vim should be able to use the colorscheme provided by this repo (tested with junegunn/vim-plug).
" you can select the version with the corresponding tag
Plug 'nonetallt/vim-neon-dark', { 'tag': '2.1.0' }
Copy the colorscheme file to your .vim/colors directory.
Set the colorscheme in your .vimrc
(vim) file or init.vim
colorscheme neon-dark
Enable termguicolors
if you're using a terminal that supports the full palette.
set termguicolors
colorscheme neon-dark
- Add custom treesitter predicates (
) - Add treesitter support for comment
- Add syntax highlights for treesitter text groups: (
- Add treesitter support for php
- Add treesitter support for phpdoc
- Add treesitter support for javascript
- Add treesitter support for typescript
- Remove ctrlp.vim plugin specific highlights
- Remove
, it's now merged toneon-dark
- Remove discrepancies between terminal and gui colors
The original release version.