Builds an image ready to go as a socket service with the NetGame Plugin by MikeMax for AGK Classic and Studio
docker build --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t nonom/docker-agk-server:latest "."
docker run -it --name <id> nonom/docker-agk-server:latest
The result should be like this.
05/01/2020 18:09:48 -> ------------------------------------------------------------
05/01/2020 18:09:48 -> | AGK Server "AGKServer" : Started.
05/01/2020 18:09:48 -> | Listening for connections on port 9000...
05/01/2020 18:09:48 -> | Global Server Refresh Interval : 25000ns ...
05/01/2020 18:09:48 -> | NetGamePlugin WorldState Broadcast Interval : 100000ns ...
05/01/2020 18:09:48 -> ------------------------------------------------------------
Open the port 9000
Actually can be found here