- Angular Code flow PKCE public client
- Blazor WASM, ASP.NET Core hosted BFF Code flow PKCE, trusted client
- API OAUTH2 introspection and reference tokens
- OpenID Connect server implemented with OpenIddict
Implementing OpenID Code Flow with PKCE using OpenIddict and Angular
Secure a Blazor WASM ASP.NET Core hosted APP using BFF and OpenIddict
Using Blazor with a YARP downstream API protected using certificate authentication
Implement an OpenIddict identity provider using ASP.NET Core Identity with Keycloak federation
Add Fido2 MFA to an OpenIddict identity provider using ASP.NET Core Identity
Implement a GRPC API with OpenIddict and the OAuth client credentials flow
dotnet ef migrations add initSts -c ApplicationDbContext
Add-Migration "init_sts" -c ApplicationDbContext
Update-Database -Context ApplicationDbContext
2022-12-24 Updated .NET 7, OpenIddict v4
2022-09-02 Updated packages, added client credentials flows
2022-08-20 Updated packages
2022-07-01 Add support for FIDO2 to the OpenIddict server
2022-06-19 Update packages
2022-06-04 Update packages
2022-05-20 Update packages
2022-05-02 Update packages, add external provider
2022-03-20 Update , using nullable
2022-02-07 Update solution
2022-01-23 Fix API calls
2022-01-21 Update project
2022-01-04 Update STS
2022-01-01 Added Blazor BFF WASM ASP.NET Core hosted demo
2021-12-24 Updating .NET 6, Angular 13.1.0
2021-07-01 Updating .NET 5, Angular 12
2021-04-21 Updated packages, improved scope validation
2020-12-26 Updating to .NET 5, Angular 11
2018-05-27 Updating to .NET Core 2.1
2018-02-09 Updating npm and Angular 5.2.4
2018-02-03 Updating npm and nuget packages, Angular 5.2.3, angular-auth-oidc-client 4.0.1
2017-11-24 Updated ASP.NET Core 2, Angular 5.0.3, angular-auth-oidc-client
2017-06-13 Updated using angular-auth-oidc-client 0.0.4 and Angular to 4.2.2
2017.06.09 Updated Auth Module, and angular to 4.1.3