From spectacular beaches to golden sunny weather, San Diego is also home to more than 6,500 farms. In fact, we have more small farms than any other county in the nation, contributing to a $1.5 billion dollar agriculture industry. Farmily helps home farmers maximize their vital online exposure and presents to you, your personal farm to fork experience.
- Node.js and Express
- MySQL Db with Sequelize ORM
- Handlebars
- Google Map
- Firebase Auth - Session persistence
- Yelp API
- Testing with Mocha and Chai
- MaterializeCSS
- Alexa SDK
- Establishes scope by studying strategic project drivers
- Project planning & prototyping
- Drive team to complete project according to pre-defined timeline
- Data consolidation & preparation
- Graphics, logo design and art direction
- Front-end Development (MaterializeCSS, jQuery, CSS)
- Google Firebase Authentication
- Authentication session storage
- Farmers' Market interactive explore page front/back-end integration with Google Map
- Front/back end integration and Handlebars JavaScript templating for pages (Add farmer, top farmers, farmer detail)
- Implemented star rating system, Google embed map using iframe, pagination, preloader, smooth scrolling
- Alexa SDK
- Presentation slides
- Handlebars setup - Initial layouts, views and partials
- Sequelize setup
- Sequelize model associations
- Initial route controller setup
- Yelp API implementation
- Market details front/back-end integration
- Google Static Maps integration
- Created models
- Started the api and html routes
- Created post routes for adding data to database
- Displayed Farmer reviews
- Exported yelpUtility module
- Simple Unit testing