The result will keep to be updated at Google SpreadSheets
These benchmarks ran on Samsung Galaxy Note 5
The series of test cases aim to measure how many React component could be rendered within some intervals.
- RenderComponentThroughput 10s
- RenderComponentThroughput 60s
- RenderComponentThroughput 180s
The reason that have different interval is that to assume JIT will start to work after longer repetitive executions.
Higher result is better
The series of test cases aim to measure how long JS engine parse and evaluate the scripts.
TTI time is from the content_appear_view_time - before_start_ReactInstanceManager_time
In different test cases, we try to generate different size of JS bundle and compare if size matters.
- TTI ~3 MiB bundle
- TTI ~10 MiB bundle
- TTI ~15 MiB bundle
- macOS 10.14 (Other macOS versions or Linux might be supported, but I don't verify that)
- Python 3
- Node 8+
Simply to run
python -a
This project is specific to measure JS engine performance for React Native. It is not designated to do generic JS engine comparison.
For example, on React Native Android, we don't enable all JIT tiers on JavaScriptCore. On V8, I am currently trying to use the JIT-less mode. What I am trying to do is balancing between good enough performance, low memory usage, and small binary size. That is why to disable JIT sometimes.