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I am a Senior Data Analyst at Columbia University, where I work on both methodological and application side causal inference. My work involves developing and maintaining research software for novel causal estimators.
I am particularly interested in:
- Nonparametric Causal Inference
- The Intersection of Machine Learning and Statistics
- Design Focused Open Source Statistical Software
- lmtp โ An R package that provides an estimation framework for the casual effects of feasible interventions based on point-treatment and longitudinal modified treatment policies.
- mlr3superlearner โ A modern implementation of the Super Learner prediction algorithm using the mlr3 framework.
- crumble โ An R package for general targeted machine learning for modern causal mediation analysis.
- ife - S7 class (with Ops) for influence function based estimands.
- codebreak - A light weight codebook framework for R.