Coin transaction blockchain developed in rust
- GET /blockchain
- Full blockchain data
- GET /transactions/to_process
- All transactions that will be added to the next block
- POST /blocks
- Mine a new block
- POST /nodes
- register a new node ("uuid": string, "url": string)
- POST /nodes/resolve
- Resolve conflicts between nodes by choosing the longest valid blockchain (consensus)
- POST /transaction
- add a new transaction ("amount": float, "receiver": string, "sender": string)
- GET /blockchain
Decentralized (nodes & consensus)
Proof of work block validation
Rewards for mining
File storage to save state
- Tide
- Serde
The project is fully functional and you can use it in a container environment to deploy multiple instances and play with consensus algo.
To permit this with docker
- Basic dockerfile
- Mount binary into
- Create a make directive to push a new blockchain instance thought a docker container given a port binding to 8880
- Register node using route POST /nodes
- Profit with your postman
- (main inspiration from Python code)
- The book !