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This repository contains the deployment package for the CODEX NUM-Knoten.

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NUM-Knoten v2

Deployment package for the CODEX NUM-Knoten v2

!!! Warning: This repository is deprecated and only available as reference. The respository is neither maintained, updated nor supported..

Current Version (NUM-Knoten v2.1)

NUM-Knoten v2.1

Currently, this version is an early release for testing purposes and does not contain all of the planned components (e.g. no GECCO-Merger that merges parallel data pipelines from EDC and clinical source systems). Also, only parts of the pipeline support incremental loading. In further development, the whole pipelines is planned to be able to load data incrementally (Delta-Update).

Final Version (NUM-Knoten v2 final)

NUM-Knoten v2 final

This is the target architecture for the NUM-Knoten v2 containing also the possibility to transfer data from clinical systems or other sources and merge them with data from the EDC.

Note: The FHIR-GW also provides interfaces for Apache Kafka and for filling a FHIR server with all resources in parallel (shown with dotted lines). Though, the default and official supported way is shown with solid lines.

NUM-Knoten nginx Reverse Proxy and Port Mappings

NUM-Knoten v2 NGINX

This is an overview of the reverse proxy architecture and the respective local port mappings for the NUM-Knoten v2.

Deployment on Single Host


  • EDC Data Dictionary Version: 2021-03-03
  • FHIR Profile Versions: TBD

System requirements

We do not provide specific hardware requirements, but it is recommended to monitor the resource utilization of each component and scale out accordingly.

IMPORTANT: Make sure Docker gets enough memory. When using Windows, Docker is given only 2GB by default, which is not enough. Right-click on the docker symbol in the taskbar, go to "Resources" and set the memory to at least 8GB.

Setup the Environment

Please be aware of the nginx setup described in section Setup nginx. You can also disable provided nginx reverse proxy setup at all (or substitute with your own). Be aware, that by default all ports to the different interfaces are only exposed to localhost. (Compare regarding docker-compose.yml manifests)

$ sh <user> <password>

This script generates a self-signed certificate for the node nginx and sets up one user to the basic auth access from outside localhost. You can add more users or use your own certificate (see the Setup nginx section below).


  • Please be aware that the selfsigned certificate needs a browser like Firefox that allows to bypass security warnings regarding invalid certificates.
  • On Windows 10 systems and when using Git Bash, you may encounter a path-related problem. The problem can be mitigated by executing export MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 before running the script (details: docker-archive/toolbox#673).

Start Environment

$ sh

Stop and Delete Environment

WARNING: This also deletes all volumes, databases, pseudonym mappings and log files. Please make sure that you backup any information necessary before executing this script.

$ sh

Note: Because of the multi component structure, there may arise some errors that state that the network cannot be removed because of active endpoints. Please ignore these error messages for now, as the network is nevertheless removed at the end of the script.

Execute/Test from odm2fhir to FHIR-GW

You can test the pipeline from EDC/odm2fhir on by simply executing odm2fhir when the environment is up:

$ sh


  • The default settings use test-data in odm2fhir. To execute with real data, please set up odm2fhir according to the documentation on (Which sould be 1) Setting both, ODM_REDCAP_API_TOKEN and ODM_REDCAP_API_URL according to your EDC and 2) Comment out line 18 in odm2fhir/docker-compose.yml)
  • Debugging: If the automatic upload to the FHIR Gateway fails, you can re-configure odm2fhir to write the generated FHIR JSON into the odm2fhir/out folder instead of sending it to the FHIR-GW. After that you can use the script to upload these files. For each file being uploaded, the script reports whether the upload was OK or not. In parallel, monitor the Docker logs of the FHIR-GW container. This may help identifying the cause why uploads fail. Possible reasons are: 1) bad FHIR ressources, e.g. due to bad ODM input data and 2) server timeouts. For the latter try switching from the HAPI to the Blaze FHIR server.

Test i2b2 data integration via "i2b2 FHIR Trigger Beta"

After odm2fhir terminated successfully, the fhir-to-i2b2 job can be set up and executed:

$ sh

This should populate the i2b2 tables with data from the FHIR resources, in particular OBSERVATION_FACT, PATIENT_MAPPING, and PATIENT_DIMENSION. Also check table FHIR_ELT_LOG for potenial error messages.

You can also query these data with the i2b2 webclient. Go to i2b2 Webclient (see below for URL) with a browser, and log in with user "miracum" and password "demouser". Use your mouse/trackpad to click on "Login" (pressing the return key may not work). You can now query for e.g. "Diagnosen" or "Forschungsdatensatz GECCO => GECCO => Anamnese / Risikofaktoren", which should return a result other than zero, as shown in the screenshot below. Note that the patient count fluctuates for each query due to the obsfuscation built into i2b2 (to improve patient privacy). Not that queries for other concepts may not return a result ("< 3" is displayed) because the included test data does only provide a small number of entities.

i2b2 Query Result


Generally you can set configuration environment variables by putting them in a .env file next to the according docker-compose.yml file in the component's subfolder.

Example (odm2fhir/.env):


URLs and Default Credentials

The following URLs work with access on the localhost. For access from outside, please be aware of the nginx setup (see also next sections).

Component URL Default User Default Password
FHIR-GW API http://localhost:18080/fhir - -
FHIR-GW DB JDBC jdbc:postgresql://localhost:15432/fhir postgres postgres
gPAS SOAP API http://localhost:18081/gpas/gpasService?wsdl - -
gPAS Domain Service SOAP API http://localhost:18081/gpas/DomainService?wsdl - -
gPAS Web UI http://localhost:18081/gpas-web - -
i2b2 Web UI http://localhost/webclient/ miracum demouser
i2b2 DB JDBC jdbc:postgresql://localhost:25432/i2b2 i2b2 demouser
FHIR Server http://localhost:8081/fhir - -

nginx Setup URLs and Default Credentials

These are the URLs for access to the webclients via nginx.

Component URL Default User Default Password
FHIR-GW API https://localhost/fhir-gw/fhir - -
gPAS Web UI https://localhost/gpas-web - -
i2b2 Web UI https://localhost/i2b2 miracum demouser
FHIR Server https://localhost/fhir - -

For the URLs above, substitude "localhost" with your server ip or domain accordingly. The nginx setup protects the node with HTTP basic auth. This has to be configured and users need to be created accordingly (see Setup nginx below).

Setup nginx

Disable nginx/Using Your Own nginx

You can also setup your own reverse proxy. To disable the default nginx, set the environment variable NGINX_PROXY_ENABLED to false before exexuting the $ sh script.

In case you have already started up the environment, execute $ sh and then execute $ sh again.

Add Your Own Certificate

This project generates its own (self-signed) certificate for the nginx to use. This certificate is needed to enable https for the nginx and encrypt the communication. For productive deployment, the certificate should be subsituted with an own trusted certificate. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Exchange the cert.pem and key.pem files in the node-rev-proxy directory for your own (Ensure that the file names stay the same)
  2. Execute the $ sh

Add Additional Users

To add additional users go into the node-rev-proxy directory of this repository $ cd node-rev-proxy and exexute the $ sh <user> <password>. This adds a user to the .htpasswd file, which is mounted into the nginx.

Choose a FHIR Server

This repository allows you to choose between two FHIR Servers (HAPI and Blaze). To configure which one to use, set the FHIR_SERVER variable accordingly, to either hapior blaze. The default server is HAPI.


This repository contains the deployment package for the CODEX NUM-Knoten.






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