Releases: oVirt/ovirt-engine-build-dependencies
Releases · oVirt/ovirt-engine-build-dependencies
oVirt Engine Build Dependencies 4.5.5
What's Changed
- Post release 4.5.4 by @mwperina in #13
- Add postgresql-jdbc-42.2.27 to additional dependencies by @mwperina in #17
- Use latest oVirt actions by @mwperina in #18
- Fix setting nightly package release by @mwperina in #19
- Add snakeyaml-1.31 to additional dependencies by @mwperina in #21
- Add jackson 2.12.7 to additional dependencies by @mwperina in #22
- Bump SpringFramework to 5.3.27 by @mwperina in #23
- Bump jackson-databind to by @mwperina in #24
- Release 4.5.5 by @mwperina in #29
Full Changelog: ovirt-engine-build-dependencies-4.5.4...ovirt-engine-build-dependencies-4.5.5
oVirt Engine Build Dependencies
What's Changed
- Bump dependencies version for ovirt-engine-4.5.3.z backports by @mwperina in #25
- Use latest versions of github actions by @mwperina in #27
Full Changelog: ovirt-engine-build-dependencies-
oVirt Engine Build Dependencies 4.5.4
What's Changed
- Add apache-sshd 2.9.2 to additional dependencies by @mwperina in #10
- Add api-model 4.6.0 by @mwperina in #11
Full Changelog: ovirt-engine-build-dependencies-4.5.3...ovirt-engine-build-dependencies-4.5.4
oVirt Engine Build Dependencies 4.5.3
What's Changed
- Initial project skeleton upload by @mwperina in #1
- fix ci by @mwperina in #3
- Build engine and fetch local maven repo by @mwperina in #2
- Filter out ovirt-engine build artifacts from local repo by @mwperina in #4
- Use static versioning by @mwperina in #5
- Add support for additional dependencies by @mwperina in #6
- Fix importing model dependencies by @mwperina in #7
Full Changelog: