Releases: oauth-wg/draft-ietf-oauth-status-list
Releases · oauth-wg/draft-ietf-oauth-status-list
- Fix cwt typ value to full media type
- Holders may also fetch and verify Status List Tokens
- Update terminology for referenced token and Status List Token
- add mDL example as Referenced Token and consolidate CWT and CBOR sections
- add implementation consideration for Default Values, Double Allocation and Status List Size
- add privacy consideration on using private relay protocols
- add privacy consideration on observability of outsiders
- add security considerations on correct parsing and decoding
- remove requirement for matching iss claim in Referenced Token and Status List Token
- add sd-jwt-vc example
- fix CWT status_list map encoding
- editorial fixes
- add CORS considerations to the http endpoint
- fix reference of Status List in CBOR format
- added status_list CWT claim key assigned
- move base64url definition to terminology
- add ttl claim to Status List Token to convey caching
- relax requirements on referenced token
- clarify Deflate / zlib compression
- make a reference to the Issuer-Holder-Verifier model of SD-JWT VC
- add COSE/CWT/CBOR encoding
- Rename title of the draft
- add design consideration to the introduction
- Change status claim to in referenced token to allow re-use for other mechanisms
- Add IANA Registry for status mechanisms
- restructure the sections of this document
- add option to return an unsigned Status List
- Changing compression from gzip to zlib
- Change typo in Status List Token sub claim description
- Add access token as an example use-case