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An OpenHAB binding for the Open Meteo weather forecast service


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Open Meteo Binding

openHAB binding for Open Meteo weather forecast service

Supported Things

There are three supported things.

Open Meteo bridge

The bridge represents the connection to the Open Meteo service. If you are a paid user of this service, you will want to use the advanced properties to set your custom URL and API key.

Weather forecast

The second thing forecast supports the following forecasts for a specific location: hourly, daily, 15-minutely. It also offers the current weather conditions, extrapolated from the 15-minutely forecast.

It requires coordinates of the location of your interest.

You can add as many forecast things for different locations to your setup as you like to observe.

Note: The first item in any forecast always include the current time period. For instance, an hourly weather forecast for 4 hours retrieved at 14:12 provides 4 values at the following times: 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00

Air quality forecast

The third thing air-quality supports the following air-quality forecasts for a specific location: hourly, daily. It also offers the current air-quality conditions, extrapolated from the hourly forecast.

It requires coordinates of the location of your interest.

You can add as many air-quality things for different locations to your setup as you like to observe.


If a system location is set the following things will be automatically discovered for this location:

  • a "System OpenMeteo weather forecast" (forecast) thing
  • a "System OpenMeteo air quality report" (air-quality) thing

If the system location was to be changed, the background discovery would update the configuration of the things accordingly within one minute.

Thing Configuration

Open Meteo bridge

Parameter Description
refreshInterval Specifies the refresh interval (in minutes). Optional, the default value is 60, the minimum value is 1.
baseURI The base URI to connect to. The default value is fine for connecting to the free tier API.
apikey API key to access the OpenWeatherMap API.

Weather forecast

Parameter Description
location Location of weather in geographical coordinates (latitude/longitude/altitude). Mandatory
hourlyHours Number of hours for hourly forecast. Optional, the default value is 48 (min="1", max="384", step="1").
hourlyTimeSeries Whether to create a hourly time series channel group or not. Time series are new in 4.1 (default = true)
hourlySplit Whether to create one channel group per future hour to accommodate widgets that are not capable of using time series. (default = false)
dailyDays Number of days for daily forecast (including todays forecast). Optional, the default value is 5 (min="1", max="16", step="1").
dailyTimeSeries Whether to create a daily time series channel group or not. Time series are new in 4.1 (default = true)
dailySplit Whether to create one channel group per future day to accommodate widgets that are not capable of using time series. (default = false)
current Whether to create a channel group for the current weather conditions. (default = false)
minutely15 Whether to create a 15 minutely time series channel group or not. Time series are new in 4.1 (default = false)
minutely15Steps Number of 15 minutes steps to get the forecast for. Optional, the default value is 48 (min="1" max="288" step="1")
panelTilt The solar panel tilt (0° horizontal)
panelAzimuth The solar panel azimuth (0° S, -90° E, 90° W)
includeTimeStamp Create a channel in split groups for the forecast date time
includeTemperature Create channels for temperature, instant on hourly, min and max on daily (default: true)
includeHumidity Create a channel for humidity (default: true)
includeDewPoint Create a channel for dew point (default: true)
includeApparentTemperature Create a channel for apparent temperature, instant on hourly, min and max on daily (default: true)
includePressure Create a channel for surface pressure (default: true)
includeCloudiness Create a channel for cloudiness (default: true)
includeWindSpeed Create a channel for wind speed (default: true)
includeWindDirection Create a channel for wind direction (default: true)
includeGustSpeed Create a channel for gusts speed (default: true)
includeShortwaveRadiation Create a channel for shortwave radiation (default: false)
includeDirectRadiation Create a channel for direct radiation (default: false)
includeDirectNormalIrradiance Create a channel for normal irradiance (default: false)
includeDiffuseRadiation Create a channel for diffuse radiation (default: false)
includeGlobalTiltedIrradiance Create a channel for global tilted irradiance, requires panelTilt and panelAzimuth to be defined (default: false)
includeTerrestrialSolarRadiation Create a channel for terrestrial solar radiation (default: false)
includeInstantShortwaveRadiation Create a channel for instant shortwave radiation (default: false)
includeInstantDirectRadiation Create a channel for instant direct radiation (default: false)
includeInstantDirectNormalIrradiance Create a channel for instant normal irradiance (default: false)
includeInstantDiffuseRadiation Create a channel for instant diffuse radiation (default: false)
includeInstantGlobalTiltedIrradiance Create a channel for instant global tilted irradiance, requires panelTilt and panelAzimuth to be defined (default: false)
includeInstantTerrestrialSolarRadiation Create a channel for instant terrestrial solar radiation (default: false)
includeVapourPressureDeficit Create a channel for vapour pressure deficit (VPD) (default: false)
includeCape Create a channel for Convective available potential energy (CAPE) (default: false)
includeEvapotranspiration Create a channel for evapotranspiration (default: false)
includeEt0FAOEvapotranspiration Create a channel for ET₀ Reference evapotranspiration of a well watered grass field (default: false)
includePrecipitation Create a channel for precipitation (rain + showers + snow) (default: false)
includeSnow Create a channel for snow fall (default: true)
includePrecipitationProbability Create a channel for precipitation probability (default: true)
includeRain Create a channel for rain (default: true)
includeShowers Create a channel for convective showers (default: false)
includeWeatherCode Create a channel for weather code, using the WMO table values (default: true)
includeIconId Create a channel for icon id, compatible with OpenWeatherMap icon ids
includeSnowDepth Create a channel for snow depth (default: false)
includeFreezingLevelHeight Create a channel for 0°C altitude (default: false)
includeVisibility Create a channel for visibility distance (default: true)
includeIsDay Create a channel indicating wether it's day or night for the given moment (default: false)
includeSunrise Create a channel for sunrise hour (default: true)
includeSunset Create a channel for sunset hour (default: true)
includeSunshineDuration Create a channel for sunshine duration, always shorter than daylight because of dusk and dawn (default: false)
includeDaylightDuration Create a channel for daylight duration (default: false)
includeUVIndex Create a channel for UV index (default: true)
includeUVIndexClearSky Create a channel for UV index if there was no cloud (default: false)

Additional details on the various possible channel values are available in Open Meteo's documentation

Any change to the parameters will recreate channels and channel groups with the same ids, thus not breaking any item link.

Air quality forecast

Parameter Description
location Location of air quality in geographical coordinates (latitude/longitude/altitude). Mandatory
airQualityIndicatorsAsString Create Air Quality Indicators as string channels, showing an appreciation rather than a number (default: true)
airQualityIndicatorsAsNumber Create Air Quality Indicators as number channels, see Open Meteo's documentation for ranges (default: false)
hourlyHours Number of hours for hourly forecast. Optional, the default value is 48 (min="1", max="168", step="1").
hourlyTimeSeries Whether to create a hourly time series channel group or not. Time series are new in 4.1 (default: true)
current Whether to create a channel group for the current air quality conditions. (default: false)
includePM10 Create a channel for Particulate Matter PM10 concentration (default: true)
includePM2_5 Create a channel for Particulate Matter PM2.5 concentration (default: true)
includeCarbonMonoxide Create a channel for Carbon Monoxide CO concentration (default: false)
includeNitrogenDioxide Create a channel for Nitrogen Dioxide NO2 concentration (default: false)
includeSulphurDioxide Create a channel for Sulphur Dioxide SO2 concentration (default: false)
includeOzone Create a channel for Ozone O3 concentration (default: false)
includeAmmonia Create a channel for Ammonia NH3 concentration (default: false)
includeAerosolOpticalDepth Create a channel for Aerosol Optical Depth (default: false)
includeDust Create a channel for Dust concentration (default: false)
includeUVIndex Create a channel for UV Index (default: false)
includeUVIndexClearSky Create a channel for UV index if there was no cloud (default: false)
includeAlderPollen Create a channel for Alder pollen concentration (default: false)
includeBirchPollen Create a channel for Birch pollen concentration (default: false)
includeGrassPollen Create a channel for Grass pollen concentration (default: false)
includeMugwortPollen Create a channel for Mugwort pollen concentration (default: false)
includeOlivePollen Create a channel for Oliver pollen concentration (default: true)
includeRagweedPollen Create a channel for Ragweed pollen concentration (default: false)
includeEuropeanAqi Create a channel for European Air Quality Indicator (default: true)
includeEuropeanAqiPM10 Create a channel for European Air Quality PM10 Indicator (only for hourly forecast, default: false)
includeEuropeanAqiPM2_5 Create a channel for European Air Quality PM2.5 Indicator (only for hourly forecast, default: false)
includeEuropeanAqiNitrogenDioxide Create a channel for European Air Quality Nitrogen Dioxide Indicator (only for hourly forecast, default: false)
includeEuropeanAqiOzone Create a channel for European Air Quality Ozone Indicator (only for hourly forecast, default: false)
includeEuropeanAqiSulphurDioxide Create a channel for European Air Quality Sulphur Dioxide Indicator (only for hourly forecast, default: false)
includeUSAqi Create a channel for US Air Quality Indicator (default: true)
includeUSAqiPM10 Create a channel for US Air Quality PM10 Indicator (only for hourly forecast, default: false)
includeUSAqiPM2_5 Create a channel for US Air Quality PM2.5 Indicator (only for hourly forecast, default: false)
includeUSAqiNitrogenDioxide Create a channel for US Air Quality Nitrogen Dioxide Indicator (only for hourly forecast, default: false)
includeUSAqiOzone Create a channel for US Air Quality Ozone Indicator (only for hourly forecast, default: false)
includeUSAqiSulphurDioxide Create a channel for US Air Quality Sulphur Dioxide Indicator (only for hourly forecast, default: false)
includeUSAqiCarbonMonoxide Create a channel for US Air Quality Carbon Monoxide Indicator (only for hourly forecast, default: false)


All things but the bridge offer a last-updated property that contains the last time the thing retrieved its values from the bridge.

This is a string in ISO 8601 format, such as: 2024-07-03T14:17:37Z


Open Meteo bridge

The bridge provides the following channels.

Channel ID Item Type Description
last-updated DateTime Date and time when the bridge last triggered an update of all things connected to it

Hourly weather forecast

The channels are placed in groups named forecastHourly for time series support, and forecastHours01 to forecastHours384 for split channels support.

Channel ID Item Type Description
time-stamp DateTime The forecast date time (only for split channels)
temperature Number:Temperature Forecast outdoor temperature
humidity Number:Dimensionless Forecast atmospheric relative humidity
dew-point Number:Temperature Forecasted dew-point temperature.
apparent-temperature Number:Temperature Forecast apparent temperature.
pressure Number:Pressure Forecast barometric surface pressure
cloudiness Number:Dimensionless Forecast cloudiness.
wind-speed Number:Speed Forecast wind speed
wind-direction Number:Angle Forecast wind direction
gust-speed Number:Speed Forecast gust speed.
shortwave-radiation Number:Intensity Shortwave solar radiation as average of the preceding hour.
direct-radiation Number:Intensity Direct solar radiation as average of the preceding hour.
direct-normal-irradiance Number:Intensity Direct solar irradiance as average of the preceding hour.
diffuse-radiation Number:Intensity Diffuse solar radiation as average of the preceding hour.
global-tilted-irradiance Number:Intensity Global tilted irradiance as average of the preceding hour.
terrestrial-solar-radiation Number:Intensity Terrestrial solar radiation as average of the preceding hour.
shortwave-radiation-instant Number:Intensity Shortwave solar radiation at the indicated time.
direct-radiation-instant Number:Intensity Direct solar radiation at the indicated time.
direct-normal-irradiance-instant Number:Intensity Direct solar irradiance at the indicated time.
diffuse-radiation-instant Number:Intensity Diffuse solar radiation at the indicated time.
global-tilted-irradiance-instant Number:Intensity Global tilted irradiance at the indicated time.
terrestrial-solar-radiation-instant Number:Intensity Terrestrial solar radiation at the indicated time.
vapour-pressure-deficit Number:Pressure For high VPD (>1.6), water transpiration of plants increases. For low VPD (<0.4), transpiration decreases
cape Number Convective available potential energy
evapotranspiration Number:Length Evapotranspiration from land surface and plants that weather models assumes for this location.
et0-fao-evapotranspiration Number:Length Based on FAO-56 Penman-Monteith equations ET₀ is calculated from temperature, wind speed, humidity and solar radiation.
precipitation Number:Length Total precipitation (rain, showers, snow) sum of the preceding hour
snow Number:Length Snow volume of the last hour.
precipitation-probability Number:Dimensionless Forecast precipitation probability.
rain Number:Length Rain volume of the last hour.
showers Number:Length Showers from convective precipitation from the preceding hour
weather-code Number Weather condition as a numeric code. Follow WMO weather interpretation codes.
icon-id String Weather condition as an Icon Id. Follows OpenWeatherMap icon Ids.
snow-depth Number:Length Snow depth on the ground
freezing-level-height Number:Length Altitude above sea level of the 0°C level
visibility Number:Length Current visibility.
is-day Switch Active if daylight, inactive at night

Daily weather forecast

The channels are placed in groups named forecastDaily for time series support, and forecastDayToday, forecastDayTomorrow, forecastDay02 to forecastDay16 for split channels support.

Channel ID Item Type Description
time-stamp DateTime The forecast date time (only for split channels)
temperature-min Number:Temperature Forecast minimum outdoor temperature
temperature-max Number:Temperature Forecast maximum outdoor temperature
apparent-temperature-min Number:Temperature Forecast minimum apparent temperature.
apparent-temperature-max Number:Temperature Forecast maximum apparent temperature.
precipitation-sum Number:Length Total precipitation (rain, showers, snow) for the day
rain-sum Number:Length Rain volume for the day
snow-sum Number:Length Snow volume for the day
showers-sum Number:Length Showers volume for the day
precipitation-hours Number Number of hours with precipitation for the day
precipitation-probability-min Number:Dimensionless Forecast minimum precipitation probability.
precipitation-probability-max Number:Dimensionless Forecast maximum precipitation probability.
precipitation-probability-mean Number:Dimensionless Forecast mean precipitation probability.
weather-code Number Weather condition as a numeric code. Follow WMO weather interpretation codes.
icon-id String Weather condition as an Icon Id. Follows OpenWeatherMap icon Ids.
sunrise DateTime Sunrise time
sunset DateTime Sunset time
sunshine-duration Number:Time The number of seconds of sunshine per day, always less than daylight duration due to dawn and dusk.
daylight-duration Number:Time Number of seconds of daylight per day
wind-speed-max Number:Speed Forecast maximum wind speed
gust-speed-max Number:Speed Forecast maximum gust speed.
wind-direction-dominant Number:Angle Forecast dominant wind direction
shortwave-radiation-max Number:Intensity Shortwave solar radiation as a maximum for the day.
et0-fao-evapotranspiration Number:Length Based on FAO-56 Penman-Monteith equations ET₀ is calculated from temperature, wind speed, humidity and solar radiation.
uv-index Number Daily maximum in UV Index starting from 0
uv-index-clear-sky Number Daily maximum in UV Index starting from 0 assuming cloud free conditions

15 minutely weather forecast

The channels are placed in a group named forecastMinutely15 as a time series.

Channel ID Item Type Description
temperature Number:Temperature Forecast outdoor temperature
humidity Number:Dimensionless Forecast atmospheric relative humidity
dew-point Number:Temperature Forecasted dew-point temperature.
apparent-temperature Number:Temperature Forecast apparent temperature.
shortwave-radiation Number:Intensity Shortwave solar radiation as average of the preceding 15 minutes.
direct-radiation Number:Intensity Direct solar radiation as average of the preceding 15 minutes.
direct-normal-irradiance Number:Intensity Direct solar irradiance as average of the preceding 15 minutes.
diffuse-radiation Number:Intensity Diffuse solar radiation as average of the preceding 15 minutes.
global-tilted-irradiance Number:Intensity Global tilted irradiance as average of the preceding 15 minutes.
terrestrial-solar-radiation Number:Intensity Terrestrial solar radiation as average of the preceding 15 minutes.
shortwave-radiation-instant Number:Intensity Shortwave solar radiation at the indicated time.
direct-radiation-instant Number:Intensity Direct solar radiation at the indicated time.
direct-normal-irradiance-instant Number:Intensity Direct solar irradiance at the indicated time.
diffuse-radiation-instant Number:Intensity Diffuse solar radiation at the indicated time.
global-tilted-irradiance-instant Number:Intensity Global tilted irradiance at the indicated time.
terrestrial-solar-radiation-instant Number:Intensity Terrestrial solar radiation at the indicated time.
sunshine-duration Number:Time The number of seconds of sunshine for the preceding 15 minutes.
precipitation Number:Length Total precipitation (rain, showers, snow) sum of the preceding 15 minutes
snow Number:Length Snow volume of the last 15 minutes.
rain Number:Length Rain volume of the last 15 minutes.
showers Number:Length Showers from convective precipitation from the preceding 15 minutes
snow-depth Number:Length Snow depth on the ground
freezing-level-height Number:Length Altitude above sea level of the 0°C level
cape Number Convective available potential energy
wind-speed Number:Speed Forecast wind speed
wind-direction Number:Angle Forecast wind direction
gust-speed Number:Speed Forecast gust speed.
visibility Number:Length Current visibility.
weather-code Number Weather condition as a numeric code. Follow WMO weather interpretation codes.
icon-id String Weather condition as an Icon Id. Follows OpenWeatherMap icon Ids.

Current weather conditions

The channels are placed in a group named current.

Channel ID Item Type Description
time-stamp DateTime The date time for which the current observations were computed
temperature Number:Temperature Forecast outdoor temperature
humidity Number:Dimensionless Forecast atmospheric relative humidity
apparent-temperature Number:Temperature Forecast apparent temperature.
is-day Switch Active if daylight, inactive at night
precipitation Number:Length Total precipitation (rain, showers, snow) sum of the preceding hour
rain Number:Length Rain volume of the last hour.
showers Number:Length Showers from convective precipitation from the preceding hour
snow Number:Length Snow volume of the last hour.
weather-code Number Weather condition as a numeric code. Follow WMO weather interpretation codes.
icon-id String Weather condition as an Icon Id. Follows OpenWeatherMap icon Ids.
cloudiness Number:Dimensionless Forecast cloudiness.
pressure Number:Pressure Forecast barometric surface pressure
wind-speed Number:Speed Forecast wind speed
wind-direction Number:Angle Forecast wind direction
gust-speed Number:Speed Forecast gust speed.

Hourly air quality forecast

The channels are placed in groups named forecastHourly with time series support

Channel ID Item Type Description
uv-index Number UV Index starting from 0
uv-index-clear-sky Number UV Index starting from 0 assuming cloud free conditions
particulate-10 Number:Density Particulate matter with diameter smaller than 10 µm close to surface (10 meter above ground)
particulate-2_5 Number:Density Particulate matter with diameter smaller than 2.5 µm close to surface (10 meter above ground)
carbon-monoxide Number:Density Carbon Monoxide CO concentration close to surface (10 meter above ground)
nitrogen-dioxide Number:Density Nitrogen Dioxide NO2 concentration close to surface (10 meter above ground)
sulphur-dioxide Number:Density Sulphur Dioxide SO2 concentration close to surface (10 meter above ground)
ozone Number:Density Ozone O3 concentration close to surface (10 meter above ground)
aerosol-optical-depth Number:Dimensionless Aerosol optical depth at 550 nm of the entire atmosphere to indicate haze
dust Number:Density Saharan dust particles close to surface level (10 meter above ground).
ammonia Number:Density Ammonia NH3 concentration close to surface (10 meter above ground), Europe only
alder-pollen Number Alder Pollen, Europe only
birch-pollen Number Birch Pollen, Europe only
mugwort-pollen Number Mugwort Pollen, Europe only
grass-pollen Number Grass Pollen, Europe only
olive-pollen Number Olive Pollen, Europe only
ragweed-pollen Number Ragweed Pollen, Europe only
european-aqi Number European AQI. Ranges from 0-20 (good), 20-40 (fair), 40-60 (moderate), 60-80 (poor), 80-100 (very poor) and exceeds 100 for extremely poor conditions.
european-aqi-pm2_5 Number European AQI PM2.5 concentration
european-aqi-pm10 Number European AQI PM10 concentration
european-aqi-nitrogen-dioxide Number European AQI Nitrogen Dioxide concentration
european-aqi-ozone Number European AQI Ozone concentration
european-aqi-sulphur-dioxide Number European AQI Sulphur Dioxide concentration
european-aqi-as-string String European AQI as a human readable string. Possible values are good, fair, moderate, poor, very poor and extremely poor conditions.
european-aqi-as-string-pm2_5 String European AQI PM2.5 concentration as a human readable string. Same values as European AQI
european-aqi-as-string-pm10 String European AQI PM10 concentration as a human readable string. Same values as European AQI
european-aqi-as-string-nitrogen-dioxide String European AQI Nitrogen concentration as a human readable string. Same values as European AQI
european-aqi-as-string-ozone String European AQI Ozone concentration as a human readable string. Same values as European AQI
european-aqi-as-string-sulphur-dioxide String European AQI Sulphur Dioxide concentration as a human readable string. Same values as European AQI
us-aqi Number United States AQI. Ranges from 0-50 (good), 51-100 (moderate), 101-150 (unhealthy for sensitive groups), 151-200 (unhealthy), 201-300 (very unhealthy) and 301-500 (hazardous).
us-aqi-pm2_5 Number United States AQI PM2.5 concentration
us-aqi-pm10 Number United States AQI PM10 concentration
us-aqi-nitrogen-dioxide Number United States Nitrogen Dioxide concentration
us-aqi-ozone Number United States Ozone concentration
us-aqi-sulphur-dioxide Number United States Sulphur Dioxide concentration
us-aqi-carbon-monoxide Number United States Carbon Monoxide concentration
us-aqi-as-string String United States AQI as a human readable string. Possible values are good, moderate, unhealthy for sensitive groups, unhealthy, very unhealthy and hazardous.
us-aqi-as-string-pm2_5 String United States AQI PM2.5 concentration as a human readable string. Same values as United States AQI
us-aqi-as-string-pm10 String United States AQI PM10 concentration as a human readable string. Same values as United States AQI
us-aqi-as-string-nitrogen-dioxide String United States Nitrogen Dioxide concentration as a human readable string. Same values as United States AQI
us-aqi-as-string-ozone String United States Ozone concentration as a human readable string. Same values as United States AQI
us-aqi-as-string-sulphur-dioxide String United States Sulphur Dioxide concentration as a human readable string. Same values as United States AQI
us-aqi-as-string-carbon-monoxide String United States Carbon Monoxide concentration as a human readable string. Same values as United States AQI

Current air quality conditions

The channels are placed in a group named current.

Channel ID Item Type Description
uv-index Number UV Index starting from 0
uv-index-clear-sky Number UV Index starting from 0 assuming cloud free conditions
particulate-10 Number:Density Particulate matter with diameter smaller than 10 µm close to surface (10 meter above ground)
particulate-2_5 Number:Density Particulate matter with diameter smaller than 2.5 µm close to surface (10 meter above ground)
carbon-monoxide Number:Density Carbon Monoxide CO concentration close to surface (10 meter above ground)
nitrogen-dioxide Number:Density Nitrogen Dioxide NO2 concentration close to surface (10 meter above ground)
sulphur-dioxide Number:Density Sulphur Dioxide SO2 concentration close to surface (10 meter above ground)
ozone Number:Density Ozone O3 concentration close to surface (10 meter above ground)
aerosol-optical-depth Number:Dimensionless Aerosol optical depth at 550 nm of the entire atmosphere to indicate haze
dust Number:Density Saharan dust particles close to surface level (10 meter above ground).
ammonia Number:Density Ammonia NH3 concentration close to surface (10 meter above ground), Europe only
alder-pollen Number Alder Pollen, Europe only
birch-pollen Number Birch Pollen, Europe only
mugwort-pollen Number Mugwort Pollen, Europe only
grass-pollen Number Grass Pollen, Europe only
olive-pollen Number Olive Pollen, Europe only
ragweed-pollen Number Ragweed Pollen, Europe only
european-aqi Number European AQI. Ranges from 0-20 (good), 20-40 (fair), 40-60 (moderate), 60-80 (poor), 80-100 (very poor) and exceeds 100 for extremely poor conditions.
european-aqi-as-string String European AQI as a human readable string. Possible values are good, fair, moderate, poor, very poor and extremely poor conditions.
us-aqi Number United States AQI. Ranges from 0-50 (good), 51-100 (moderate), 101-150 (unhealthy for sensitive groups), 151-200 (unhealthy), 201-300 (very unhealthy) and 301-500 (hazardous).
us-aqi-as-string String United States AQI as a human readable string. Possible values are good, moderate, unhealthy for sensitive groups, unhealthy, very unhealthy and hazardous.

Persisting Time Series

The binding offers support for persisting forecast values. The recommended persistence strategy is forecast, as it ensures a clean history without redundancy.


Make sure you have a persistence service installed and ready for use.

To configure persisting forecast data, first create and link Items to those channels with time series support (as usual). Next, enable persistence for these Items using the forecast persistence strategy:

  • Settings, Add-ons Settings, Your persistence addon, Configure persistence
  • Add configuration
  • Select group/items from the forecast
  • Select the forecast strategy
  • Save your configuration

Finally, open the UI, search for one of the newly created Items, open the analyzer and select a future time range.

Please note that if you apply a strategy to some items, the “default strategy” will no longer apply and you’ll need to create a “catch all” strategy yourself, as discussed here


To access forecast data stored in persistence from scripts and rules, use the Persistence Extensions.

Here is an example in Javascript, extracted from the ohab-weather-display project:

// retrieve the current time and use it to get our desired forecast boundaries
const now = time.toZDT();
const forecastStart = now.withHour(0).withMinute(0).withSecond(0);
const forecastEnd = forecastStart.plusDays(6);

// retrieve historic states from the time series item
const dailyWMOCodeItem = items.weather_forecast_WMO_code_Daily;
const dailyWMOCodeHistoricItems = dailyWMOCodeItem.persistence.getAllStatesBetween(forecastStart, forecastEnd);

// Declare a method that returns an numeric value from an historic item state.
// This avoids duplicating this code should you want to work on multiple items at once, like what is done
// in the ohab-weather-display project for instance.
function getNumericValue(historicItems, forecastIndex, unit)
  const historicItem = historicItems[forecastIndex];
  if (historicItem)
    const quantityState = historicItem.quantityState;
    const numericState = historicItem.numericState;
    if (quantityState && unit)
      return quantityState.toUnit(unit).float;
    else if (numericState)
      return historicItem.numericState;

  return NaN;

// loop over all historic states
for (let forecastIndex = 0; forecastIndex < dailyWMOCodeHistoricItems.length; forecastIndex++)
  const conditionCode = getNumericValue(dailyWMOCodeHistoricItems, forecastIndex);

  // ...

NOTE: The above code is compatible with OpenHAB 4.3 and upper. If you use an earlier version, replace the persistence property on dailyWMOCodeItem with history

Transformation profiles

Should you want to use the Air Quality Indicators both as a number and as a string, you may want to implement the mapping from one to the other manually.

You can either do it via scripts, or use one of the two transformation profiles provided by this binding.

They appear on item / channel links of the Number type.

For your convenience, you can choose whether you want human readable strings (Good, Fair, Very poor...) or options values, identical to the values output by the "as strings" AQI channels (GOOD, FAIR, VERY_POOR...)


An OpenHAB binding for the Open Meteo weather forecast service







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