Please see the 0.2.0 release notes for details and examples!
- Plot is now published as an ES module.
- Plot now requires Node 12 or higher.
- Plot now depends on D3 7 or higher.
- The new Plot.marks(...marks) method provides mark.plot shorthand for array marks.
- The plot marks option now accepts render functions, null, or undefined as shorthand marks.
- All marks now support a shapeRendering (constant) option.
- The mark strokeWidth option can now be specified as a channel.
- The text stroke and strokeWidth options can now be specified as channels.
- The line stroke option now defaults to none if a fill is set.
- When a link’s fill or fillOpacity channel contains undefined values, they are now filtered.
- When a rule’s stroke or strokeOpacity channel contains undefined values, they are now filtered.
- The text mark now uses attributes instead of styles for font rendering properties.
- Rect, bar, and rule now handle collapsed domains during rendering.
- The link and rect marks now support one-dimensional shorthand.
- The new mark sort option allows ordinal domain order to be derived from data.
- The new threshold and quantile scale types can be used to discretize continuous data.
- The diverging scale can now produce symmetric apparent differences around the pivot (and will by default).
- The new axis line option can be used to draw a continuous line along the x or y axis.
- The axis and label options can now be set at the top level (or facet level).
- The mark facet = null option allows faceting to be disabled for a specific mark, if desired.
- The new facet = include mode allows a mark with parallel data to be faceted.
- The new facet = exclude mode allows a mark to show all data not in the current facet.
- The bin and group transforms now support filter, sort, and reverse options.
- The bin and group transforms outputs argument is now optional.
- The bin and group transforms now support distinct, mode, min-index, and max-index reducers.
- The bin transform now supports thresholds = auto (default), which applies a cap of 200 to Scott’s rule.
- The normalize, window, and stack transforms now accept explicit options to disambiguate from inputs.
- The stack transform’s offset option has been renamed to offset = {normalize, center, wiggle, null}.
- The window transform’s shift option has been renamed to anchor = {middle, start, end}.
- The basic transforms are now available as explicit option transforms: Plot.filter, Plot.sort, and Plot.reverse.
- Various error messages have been improved.
Note: Plot 0.1 is currently the default version on Observable. Plot 0.2 will be available shortly.