- This is a Scala port of language-java from Haskell
- Consists of a Lexer, a Parser and a Pretty Printer, written in Scala
If you are using SBT to manage your project, to add this library as a dependency in your project, include the following in the build.sbt
resolvers += "obsidian binary github repo" at "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obsidian-java/binrepo/master/"
libraryDependencies += "obsidian.lang.java" %% "scalangj" % "0.1.5"
import obsidian.lang.java.scalangj.Parser.*
import obsidian.lang.java.scalangj.Pretty.*
object Main extends App {
val STRING = """
public class Fib
public static int fib(int n)
int f1 = 0;
int f2 = 1;
int i=0;
while(i<n) {
int t = f2;
f2 = f1 + f2;
f1 = t;
return f2;
public static void main(String argv[]) {
val eCU = parseCompilationUnit(STRING)
eCU match {
case Left(error_msg) => println(error_msg)
case Right(cu) => println(prettyPrint(cu))