QR-Bills gem for implementing Swiss payments.
Please note that no checks are performed to validate IBAN and references (like Creditor Reference) when submitting the params. These checks are required to be performed by the application.
please switch and start using qrcode_format
as qrcode_filepath
will be deprecated and removed!
gem install qr-bills
To support translations, copy/paste the 4 languages code into your I18n engine: config/locales/*.yml
The creditor reference is composed as follow:
- RF + 2 check digits + reference
Max reference length is 21 chars.
# => "RF89MTR81UUWZYO48NY55NP3"
params[:output_params][:format] = "html"
# OR
params[:output_params][:format] = "prawn"
# OR
params[:output_params][:format] = "png"
# OR
params[:output_params][:format] = "svg"
returns a full qr-bill as a html-template string, usesparams[:qrcode_format]
for the qrcode format which supportspng
. Defaults topng
returns a full qr-bill in pure Ruby for inclusion in a Prawn PDF template, usesparams[:qrcode_format]
for the qrcode format which supportssvg
returns the qrcode of the qr-bill as a ChunkyPNG::Image object.svg
returns the qrcode of the qr-bill as a svg string.
This is a new bill type introduced with the new qr bills format
params[:bill_type] = QRBills.get_qrbill_with_creditor_reference_type
params[:bill_params][:reference_type] = "SCOR" # fixed type for bill with creditor reference
params[:bill_params][:reference] = "RF89MTR81UUWZYO48NY55NP3" # example
This can be compared to the (old) orange bill type
params[:bill_type] = QRBills.get_qrbill_with_qr_reference_type
params[:bill_params][:reference_type] = "QRR" # fixed type for bill with qr reference
params[:bill_params][:reference] = "00 00037 01588 13258 31366 09972" # example
This can be compared to the (old) red bill type
params[:bill_type] = QRBills.get_qrbill_without_reference_type
params[:bill_params][:reference_type] = "NON" # fixed type for bill without reference
# get the QR params, so you will get the full hash structure and as well some default values
params = QRBills.get_qr_params
# fill the params, for example
params[:bill_type] = QRBills.get_qrbill_with_creditor_reference_type
params[:qrcode_filepath] = "#{Dir.pwd}/tmp/qrcode-html.png"
params[:qrcode_format] = "svg" # use qrcode_format with "svg" / "png" instead of qrcode_filepath to use a data url encoded qr code
params[:output_params][:format] = "html"
params[:bill_params][:creditor][:iban] = "CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7"
params[:bill_params][:creditor][:address][:type] = "S" # or type "K"
params[:bill_params][:creditor][:address][:name] = "Compagnia di assicurazione forma & scalciante"
params[:bill_params][:creditor][:address][:line1] = "Via cantonale"
params[:bill_params][:creditor][:address][:line2] = "24"
params[:bill_params][:creditor][:address][:postal_code] = "3000"
params[:bill_params][:creditor][:address][:town] = "Lugano"
params[:bill_params][:creditor][:address][:country] = "CH"
params[:bill_params][:amount] = 12345.15
params[:bill_params][:currency] = "CHF"
params[:bill_params][:debtor][:address][:type] = "S"
params[:bill_params][:debtor][:address][:name] = "Foobar Barfoot"
params[:bill_params][:debtor][:address][:line1] = "Via cantonale"
params[:bill_params][:debtor][:address][:line2] = "25"
params[:bill_params][:debtor][:address][:postal_code] = "3001"
params[:bill_params][:debtor][:address][:town] = "Comano"
params[:bill_params][:debtor][:address][:country] = "CH"
# you can get the new creditor reference using QRBills.create_creditor_reference("your_reference")
params[:bill_params][:reference] = "RF89MTR81UUWZYO48NY55NP3"
params[:bill_params][:reference_type] = "SCOR"
params[:bill_params][:additionally_information] = "pagamento riparazione monopattino"
# generate the QR Bill
bill = QRBills.generate(params)
# if params[:output_params][:format] == "prawn" pass `pdf` to QRBills.generate to get a Prawn::Document object
bill = QRBills.generate(params, pdf)
# bill format is given in the params, default is html
# bill has the following format:
# bill = {
# params: params,
# output: "output"
# }
- https://www.paymentstandards.ch/dam/downloads/ig-qr-bill-en.pdf
- https://www.paymentstandards.ch/en/shared/know-how/faq/qr.html
- https://www.kmu.admin.ch/kmu/it/home/consigli-pratici/questioni-finanziarie/contabilita-e-revisione/introduzione-della-qr-fattura.html
- https://www.paymentstandards.ch/dam/downloads/drehbuch-rechnung-steller-empfaenger-it.pdf