A Python implementation of Phoenix LiveView
PyView enables dynamic, real-time web apps, using server-rendered HTML.
Source Code: https://github.com/ogrodnek/pyview
pip install pyview-web
There's a cookiecutter template available
cookiecutter gh:ogrodnek/pyview-cookiecutter
- pyview AI chat
- pyview auth example (using authlib)
from pyview import LiveView, LiveViewSocket
from typing import TypedDict
class CountContext(TypedDict):
count: int
class CountLiveView(LiveView[CountContext]):
async def mount(self, socket: LiveViewSocket[CountContext], _session):
socket.context = {"count": 0}
async def handle_event(self, event, payload, socket: LiveViewSocket[CountContext]):
if event == "decrement":
socket.context["count"] -= 1
if event == "increment":
socket.context["count"] += 1
async def handle_params(self, url, params, socket: LiveViewSocket[CountContext]):
if "c" in params:
socket.context["count"] = int(params["c"][0])
<h1>Count is {{count}}</h1>
<button phx-click="decrement">-</button>
<button phx-click="increment">+</button>
Obviously this project wouldn't exist without Phoenix LiveView, which is a wonderful paradigm and implementation. Besides using their ideas, we also directly use the LiveView JavaScript code.
Thanks to Donnie Flood for the encouragement, inspiration, help, and even pull requests to get this project started! Check out LiveViewJS for a TypeScript implementation of LiveView (that's much more mature than this one!)
Thanks to Darren Mulholland for both his Let's Build a Template Language tutorial, as well as his ibis template engine, which he very generously released into the public domain, and forms the basis of templating in PyView.
- We're using the pubsub implementation from flet
- PyView is built on top of Starlette.
PyView is in the very early stages of active development. Please check it out and give feedback! Note that the API is likely to change, and there are many features that are not yet implemented.
poetry install
poetry run uvicorn examples.app:app --reload
Then go to http://localhost:8000/
brew install pipx
pipx install poetry
pipx ensurepath
(see https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation for more details)
PyView is licensed under the MIT License.