What's Changed
- optimization module upgrade in #3031
- optimize eth_getBlockByNumber/eth_getBlockByHash in #3020
- Support for AtomScan's rest API in #2353
- Fix the issue where the program would hang on exit when the pruning="nothing" in #3036
- fix bug of wasm watchdb in #3047
- mv check version script in #3055
- Add verifying cache for cm tx in #3049
- wasm watcher fix goroutine leak in #3056
- upload wasm counter in #3061
- rm no-admin option in #3064
- optimize wasm code in #3065
- Use the same store key. because we reuse cms both querier and simulate in #3068
- wasm query with grpc in #3053
- Create build-wasm-env.sh in #3069
- update signature verification of cosmos tx in #3050
- Invalid argument "auto" for gas in tx wasm in #3076
- use gas auto in #3080
- Optimize wasm contract address in #3062
- Fixed cmtx nonce in #3054
- check gas limit of cmtx in #3082
- stdtx support gasrefund in #3067
- set default height when query info in #3074
- Support universal vmbridge call in #3051
- using hex address in wasm in #3086
- Remove tx wasm clear-contract-admin cli in #3087
- update wasmvm gas factor in #3088
- Fix vmbridge simulate bug with send okt in #3089
- add wasm extra proposal in #3091
Full Changelog: v1.6.8.5...