Apache JMeter plugin for signing and encrypting SOAP messages (WS-Security).
- Copy the jmeter-wssecurity jar file into JMeter's lib/ext directory.
- Copy the following dependencies into JMeter's lib directory:
- When starting JMeter there will be the following two Preprocessors:
- SOAP Message Signer
- SOAP Message Encrypter
The plugin provides two Preprocessors that can be configured for signing and encrypting the payloads of an HTTP or JMS request. Users familiar with SoapUI will find similarities to the outgoing WS-Security configuration.
Maven retrieves the following dependencies:
- org.apache.wss4j / wss4j-ws-security-dom
- org.apache.wss4j / wss4j-ws-security-common
- org.apache.santuario / xmlsec