This Assignment is for implementation website that showing all Employees exist in Database and apply the following options:
- Add New Employee
- Edit Existing Employee
- Delete Existing Employee
- Project is built following Razor Page Architecture that groups files by purpose, A single page not only has a Razor view but also a tightly-integrated "code-behind" class which defines the functionality for that page.
- Conversely, MVC In MVC, functionality is grouped by function, Controllers contain actions, models contain data, and views contain display information. Each of these are put in their own dedicated folders
Visual Studio 2019 “C# ASP.Net Core3.1”
SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server Manager “MSSM”
All Packeges must be installed in Visual studio from "Tool" -> NuGets Package Manager -> Manage NuGets Package for solution. All Packages have to be of [Version 3.1][df1] , as the used ASP.Net was of [ Core 3.1 ][df1]
Package Name | Usage |
Microsoft .ASPNetCore.MVC.RAZOR.RuntimeCompilation | For Immediate runtime changes in the website with no need for restarting the application |
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore | Object database Mapper |
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer | As We Use Sql Server |
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools | For Migration to Database |
Make Sure all packages are installed, and change server name in [appsetting.jason] Match your sql-server name. By default the name will be.....(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB.
So all you need to change the below line:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "${Server=DESKTOP-N7251L9}
"ConnectionStrings": { "DefaultConnection": "Server=(LocalDb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=EjadaCompany;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True" },