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desiderr committed May 13, 2017
1 parent 9eed08d commit 7756f9c
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Showing 2 changed files with 287 additions and 92 deletions.
229 changes: 141 additions & 88 deletions ion_functions/data/
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Expand Up @@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
Functions calculating event notifications; they return either True or False.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ def prs_botsflu_time15s(timestamp, botpres):
OOI (2015). Data Product Specification for Seafloor Uplift and Subsidence
(BOTSFLU) from the BOTPT instrument. Document Control Number 1341-00080.
###### the second calling argument is a placeholder
###### [in development]: the second calling argument is a placeholder
time15s, _, _ = anchor_bin_rawdata_to_15s(timestamp, botpres)

return time15s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -591,12 +591,12 @@ def prs_botsflu_time24h(time15s):
(BOTSFLU) from the BOTPT instrument. Document Control Number 1341-00080.
# the second calling argument is a placeholder
time24h, _ = anchor_bin_detided_to_24h(time15s, None)
time24h, _ = anchor_bin_detided_to_24h(time15s, None, None)

return time24h

def prs_botsflu_daydepth(timestamp, botpres):
def prs_botsflu_daydepth(timestamp, botpres, dday_coverage=0.90):
Expand All @@ -607,8 +607,8 @@ def prs_botsflu_daydepth(timestamp, botpres):
2015-01-14: Russell Desiderio. Initial code.
2017-05-05: Russell Desiderio. Changed time24h time base to span the entire
dataset including data gaps. Therefore added
lines to insert Nans at the data gaps.
dataset including data gaps.
Expand All @@ -629,12 +629,23 @@ def prs_botsflu_daydepth(timestamp, botpres):
OOI (2015). Data Product Specification for Seafloor Uplift and Subsidence
(BOTSFLU) from the BOTPT instrument. Document Control Number 1341-00080.
daydepth = calc_daydepth_plus(timestamp, botpres)
# calculate 15sec bin timestamps and de-tided depth.
time15s, meandepth, _ = calc_meandepth_plus(timestamp, botpres)

# bin the 15sec data into 24 hour bins so that the timestamps are at midnight.
# to calculate daydepth, don't need the time24h timestamps.

_, daydepth = anchor_bin_detided_to_24h(time15s, meandepth, dday_coverage)

# downstream data products no longer require the mask_nonzero variable
return daydepth

#daydepth = calc_daydepth_plus(timestamp, botpres)
#return daydepth

def prs_botsflu_4wkrate(timestamp, botpres):
def prs_botsflu_4wkrate(timestamp, botpres, dday_coverage=0.9, rate_coverage=0.75):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -669,11 +680,11 @@ def prs_botsflu_4wkrate(timestamp, botpres):
(BOTSFLU) from the BOTPT instrument. Document Control Number 1341-00080.
# calculate daydepth
data_w_gaps = calc_daydepth_plus(timestamp, botpres)
daydepth = prs_botsflu_daydepth(timestamp, botpres, dday_coverage)

# 4 weeks of data
window_size = 29
botsflu_4wkrate = calculate_sliding_slopes(data_w_gaps, window_size)
botsflu_4wkrate = calculate_sliding_slopes(daydepth, window_size, rate_coverage)
# convert units:
# the units of the slopes are [y]/[x] = meters/day;
# to get units of cm/yr, multiply by 100cm/m * 365 days/yr
Expand All @@ -682,7 +693,7 @@ def prs_botsflu_4wkrate(timestamp, botpres):
return botsflu_4wkrate

def prs_botsflu_8wkrate(timestamp, botpres):
def prs_botsflu_8wkrate(timestamp, botpres, dday_coverage=0.9, rate_coverage=0.75):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -716,12 +727,12 @@ def prs_botsflu_8wkrate(timestamp, botpres):
OOI (2015). Data Product Specification for Seafloor Uplift and Subsidence
(BOTSFLU) from the BOTPT instrument. Document Control Number 1341-00080.
# calculate daydepth and the mask of nonzero data bins.
data_w_gaps = calc_daydepth_plus(timestamp, botpres)
# calculate daydepth
daydepth = prs_botsflu_daydepth(timestamp, botpres, dday_coverage)

# 8 weeks of data
window_size = 57
botsflu_8wkrate = calculate_sliding_slopes(data_w_gaps, window_size)
botsflu_8wkrate = calculate_sliding_slopes(daydepth, window_size, rate_coverage)
# convert units:
# the units of the slopes are [y]/[x] = meters/day;
# to get units of cm/yr, multiply by 100cm/m * 365 days/yr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -843,7 +854,7 @@ def anchor_bin_rawdata_to_15s(time, data):
return bin_timestamps, binned_data, mask_nonzero

def anchor_bin_detided_to_24h(time, data):
def anchor_bin_detided_to_24h(time, data, dday_coverage):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -925,6 +936,7 @@ def anchor_bin_detided_to_24h(time, data):
bin_duration = 86400.0 # number of seconds in a day
half_bin = bin_duration/2.0
max_count = 86400.0/15.0 # maximum number of values in a day's bin

# anchor time-centered bins by determining the start time to be half a bin
# before the first 'anchor timestamp', which will an integral number of
Expand All @@ -936,67 +948,24 @@ def anchor_bin_detided_to_24h(time, data):
bin_number = np.floor(time_elapsed).astype(int)
# the number of elements in each bin is given by
bin_count = np.bincount(bin_number).astype(float)
# create a logical mask of non-zero bin_count values
mask_nonzero = (bin_count != 0)
# bin_count is used as a divisor to calculate mean values at each bin
# bins with bincounts below the threshold value will have a nan value
bin_count[bin_count/max_count < dday_coverage] = np.nan
# replace 0 with nan
bin_count[bin_count == 0] = np.nan

# directly calculate bin timestamp, units of [sec]:
# the midpoint of the data interval is used.
bin_timestamps = start_time + half_bin + bin_duration * np.arange(bin_count.size)

# sum the values in each time bin, and put into the variable binned_data
binned_data = np.bincount(bin_number, data)
# divide the values in non-empty bins by the number of values in each bin
binned_data = binned_data[mask_nonzero]/bin_count[mask_nonzero]

# re-constitute the original data, with data gaps (if present) represented by nans.
daydepth = np.zeros(mask_nonzero.size) + np.nan
daydepth[mask_nonzero] = binned_data
# divide the values in each bin by the number of values in each bin
daydepth = binned_data/bin_count

return bin_timestamps, daydepth

def calc_daydepth_plus(timestamp, botpres):
Worker function to calculate the botsflu data product daydepth plus an
additional boolean mask required to calculate other botsflu data products
downstream from daydepth.
Implemented by:
2015-01-14: Russell Desiderio. Initial code.
daydepth, mask_nonzero = calc_daydepth_plus(timestamp, botpres)
daydepth = BOTSFLU-DAYDEPTH_L2 [m]
mask_nonzero = boolean of positions of non-empty 24 hr bins
timestamp = OOI system timestamps [sec since 01-01-1900]
botpres = BOTPRES_L1 [psia]
OOI (2015). Data Product Specification for Seafloor Uplift and Subsidence
(BOTSFLU) from the BOTPT instrument. Document Control Number 1341-00080.
# calculate 15sec bin timestamps and de-tided depth.
time15s, meandepth, _ = calc_meandepth_plus(timestamp, botpres)

# bin the 15sec data into 24 hour bins so that the timestamps are at midnight.
# to calculate daydepth, don't need the time24h timestamps.

_, daydepth = anchor_bin_detided_to_24h(time15s, meandepth)

# downstream data products no longer require the mask_nonzero variable
return daydepth

def calc_meandepth_plus(timestamp, botpres):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1068,6 +1037,7 @@ def calculate_sliding_means(data, window_size):
Implemented by:
2015-01-13: Russell Desiderio. Initial code.
2017-05-06: Russell Desiderio. Updated to make work with odd window_size.
Expand All @@ -1077,24 +1047,29 @@ def calculate_sliding_means(data, window_size):
means = 1D array of sliding means
data = 1D array of data
window_size = even integer
window_size = window size, integer data type
The unit test values were calculated in Matlab, so that the python convolution
result for even sized windows is shifted by 1 element to match the matlab result.
kk = np.ones(window_size) / window_size
means = np.convolve(data, kk, 'same')
# matlab and numpy behave differently for even window sizes, so
means = np.roll(means, -1)
# in this application, window_size is always even.
hfwin = window_size/2 - 1
# nan out data with boundary effects at edges.
# the values in the array means will be of type float because kk is a float,
# so that the np.nan assignment statements will work as intended.
means[0:hfwin] = np.nan
means[-hfwin-1:] = np.nan
# integer arithmetic will 'truncate' 5/2 to 2 and -5/2 to -3.
means[:window_size/2] = np.nan
means[-((window_size-1)/2):] = np.nan

# matlab and numpy behave differently for even window sizes, so roll the python
# result to mimic matlab
means = np.roll(means, -np.mod(window_size+1, 2)) # roll only if window_size is even

return means

def calculate_sliding_slopes(data, window_size):
def calculate_sliding_slopes(data, window_size, coverage_threshold):
Expand All @@ -1107,6 +1082,9 @@ def calculate_sliding_slopes(data, window_size):
2017-05-03: Russell Desiderio. Initial code. Replaces the much faster Moore-Penrose
pseudo-inverse method so that nan-masking can be
2017-05-08: Russell Desiderio. Added the 70% coverage criterion: if the number of non-Nan
data points in a window is greater than or equal to 70% of
the maximum possible window points calculate the slope.
Expand All @@ -1117,35 +1095,68 @@ def calculate_sliding_slopes(data, window_size):
slopes = 1D array of sliding slopes
data = 1D array of data
window_size = integer
coverage = fractional window fill threshold for calculation of slope values
Used equations 14.2.15-14.2.17 in the Numerical Recipes reference below.
The robust regression equations are taken from equations 14.2.15-14.2.17 in the Numerical
Recipes reference below.
The slopes are backwards-looking, not centered. The first non-nan value occurs
at (python) index window_size, and is the slope of a regression of the first
window_size points.
Before the May 2017 modifications, just one Nan within a window would result in a Nan value
for the slope. The routine now will calculate slopes by ignoring Nans, and if the coverage
is 70% or better, a calculated value will result. If the coverage is less than 70%, then the
output value is Nan.
The data vector is padded so that bins within a window of the beginning of the data record
that satisfy the coverage criterion will have non-Nan data product values.
Press, Flannery, Teukolsky and Vetterling. Numerical Recipes, 1986; 1987 reprint.
Cambridge University Press. page 507.
# odd window sizes are expected; if even, increment by one
# ODD WINDOW SIZES are expected; if even, increment by one
window_size = window_size + 1 - np.mod(window_size, 2)
half_window = window_size / 2 # this will 'floor' when window_size is odd as desired

slopes = np.zeros(data.size) + np.nan
x = np.arange(window_size).astype('float')
for ii in range(half_window, data.size - half_window):
y = data[(ii-half_window):(ii+half_window+1)]
#x = x[~np.isnan(y)] # LATER!
#y = y[~np.isnan(y)] # LATER!
# pad front end of data with Nans (because for loop is backwards-looking)
npts = 2 * half_window + data.size
padded_data = np.zeros(npts) + np.nan
padded_data[window_size-1:] = data

# first calculate values for all sliding windows
slopes = np.zeros(npts) + np.nan
abscissa = np.arange(npts).astype('float')
for ii in range(window_size-1, npts):
x = abscissa[(ii-2*half_window):(ii+1)] # rather than np.arange-ing in each iteration
y = padded_data[(ii-2*half_window):(ii+1)]
x = x[~np.isnan(y)]
y = y[~np.isnan(y)]
if x.size < 2:
continue # trap out cases of either 0 or 1 valid datapoint in window
tti = x - x.mean(axis=0)
stt = np.sum(tti * tti)
slopes[ii] = np.sum(tti * y) / stt

slopes = np.roll(slopes, half_window)
# get rid of padding
slopes = slopes[2*half_window:]

# now determine the fraction of good values per window (vectorized):
# first change non-nan values to 1, then nan values to 0, and take the average
padded_data[~np.isnan(padded_data)] = 1.0
padded_data[np.isnan(padded_data)] = 0.0
fraction_good = calculate_sliding_means(padded_data, window_size)
# convert to backwards-looking
fraction_good = np.roll(fraction_good, half_window)
# get rid of padding
fraction_good = fraction_good[2*half_window:]

# nan out fractional values (means) in sliding windows less than coverage threshold
# there can be issues involving roundoff error when considering 100% coverage, so:
machine_epsilon = np.finfo(np.float).eps
fraction_good = fraction_good + 100 * machine_epsilon
# avoid a python warning message by trapping out nans in the conditional
fraction_good[np.isnan(fraction_good)] = -999.0 # any negative number will work as intended
slopes[fraction_good < coverage_threshold] = np.nan

return slopes

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1372,6 +1383,48 @@ def anchor_bin_DEPRECATED(time, data, bin_duration, mode):
return bin_timestamps, binned_data, mask_nonzero

def calc_daydepth_plus_deprecated(timestamp, botpres):
Worker function to calculate the botsflu data product daydepth plus an
additional boolean mask required to calculate other botsflu data products
downstream from daydepth.
Implemented by:
2015-01-14: Russell Desiderio. Initial code.
daydepth, mask_nonzero = calc_daydepth_plus(timestamp, botpres)
daydepth = BOTSFLU-DAYDEPTH_L2 [m]
mask_nonzero = boolean of positions of non-empty 24 hr bins
timestamp = OOI system timestamps [sec since 01-01-1900]
botpres = BOTPRES_L1 [psia]
OOI (2015). Data Product Specification for Seafloor Uplift and Subsidence
(BOTSFLU) from the BOTPT instrument. Document Control Number 1341-00080.
# calculate 15sec bin timestamps and de-tided depth.
time15s, meandepth, _ = calc_meandepth_plus(timestamp, botpres)

# bin the 15sec data into 24 hour bins so that the timestamps are at midnight.
# to calculate daydepth, don't need the time24h timestamps.

_, daydepth = anchor_bin_detided_to_24h(time15s, meandepth)

# downstream data products no longer require the mask_nonzero variable
return daydepth

def calculate_sliding_slopes__MoorePenrose(data, window_size):
# DEPRECATED because nan-masking cannot be implemented with this algorithm #
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