Patting my personal GOTY 2021 in the back some more by creating a whole themed desktop with my limited knowledge of rainmeter to its fullest extend.
Also wanted to see how far can I take my UX & UI game, limited by only the UI assets available in-game!
- Date & Time
- Muslim Prayer Time
- Top 5 Processes of CPU | GPU | RAM | DISK with percentage usages
- HP Bar-like functionalites presenting CPU, GPU, HDD, NET, RAM load
- With goodies showing Core Temperature CPU, GPU, C Disk Space, NET speed, Memory Timings
- Music player when music's playing and shows curated quotes from video game legends when nothing's playing~
- News feed from google covering Tech, World, Entertainment, Business, Sports and Health
- Customizable size scale function while hovering on meters and scrolling using mouse
Rainmeter version 4.0+
WebNowPlaying Browser Extension (.dll Plugin included in skin)
HWInfo Installer (.dll Plugin included in skin)
Spectral SC Caesar Dressing Algreya Sans
Wallpaper Engine for my custom Zagreus Wallpaper featuring sweet audio visualizer & minimal animations~
Bars pulls data from HWInfo Plugin
HWInfo Gadget Sensor Reporting Official Article
Configure Sensors > HWInfo Gadgets > Tick These
- [System] Physical Memory Load
- [CPU[#0]] Total CPU Usage
- [Memory Timings] Memory Clock
- [CPU[#0]] CPU Die (Average)
- [CPU[#0]] Core Temperature (Average)
- [Drive] Total Activity
- [GPU] GPU Temperature
- [GPU] GPU Utilization
Muslim Prayer Meter uses Solat Jakim API
SupergiantGames for this masterpiece.
RainmeterForums for providing TONs of resources.