oref0 0.6.1
Many minor fixes & improvements.
• x12 fixes
• limit SMB zero temps to 60 minutes
• offline web page
• raise BG target for noisy / raw CGM data (#833)
• autosens is always enabled (to disable, set min/max to 1)
• faster autotune; and avoids raising basals from UAM carbs
• added cleaning to address full diskspace issues
• Carelink support re-added
• Suspends will count as zero IOB; no longer need to temp to zero and suspend (but people should make sure to change their settings for suspend-if-no-temp if they leave this as false, so pumps don't get unsuspended and issue SMB's while they're still disconnected)
• No longer warns in logs (causing excessive buildup) about DIA of 2 < 3. Defaults to 5, regardless, for curves, since 0.6.0
See http://openaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html for OpenAPS documentation. See #816 for specifics on what changed related to 0.6.1.