This repository is a workbench for France Université Numérique to develop themed sites based on Richie, the CMS for Open Education.
First, make sure you have a recent version of Docker and Docker Compose installed on your laptop:
$ docker -v
Docker version 26.0.0, build 2ae903e
$ docker compose version
Docker Compose version v2.26.1-desktop.1
First, you need to activate the site on which you want to work. We provide a script that will list existing sites and let you choose one:
$ bin/activate
Select an available site to activate:
[1] demo (default)
[2] funmooc
Your choice: 2
# Check your environment with:
$ make info
RICHIE_SITE: funmooc
Once your environment is set, start the full project by running:
$ make bootstrap
This command builds the containers, starts the services and performs database migrations. It's a good idea to use this command each time you are pulling code from the project repository to avoid dependency-related or migration-related issues.
Once the bootstrap phase is finished, you should be able to view the site at localhost:8070
If you've just bootstrapped this project, you are probably planning to use AWS to store and distribute your media and static files. Luckily for you, we've cooked
scripts and a documentation for you! Read more about it: docs/
If you need to build or rebuild the containers, use:
$ make build
Note that if the services are already running, you will need to stop them first and then restart them to fire up your newly built containers.
To start the development stack (via Docker compose), use:
$ make run
You can inspect logs (in follow mode) with:
$ make logs
You can stop all services with:
$ make stop
If you need to stop and remove containers (to drop your database for example), there is a command for that:
$ make down
Once the CMS is up and running, you can create a superuser account:
$ make superuser
To perform database migrations, use:
$ make migrate
You can create a basic demo site by running:
$ make demo-site
Note that if you don't create the demo site and start from a blank CMS, you will get some errors requesting you to create some required root pages. So it is easier as a first approach to test the CMS with the demo site.
To see all available commands, run:
$ make help
This project is intended to be community-driven, so please, do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any question related to our implementation or design decisions.
We try to raise our code quality standards and expect contributors to follow the recommandations from our handbook.
Upgrading one or many projects to a newer version of richie is automated.
For example, to upgrade a specific site, test its build after upgrade and commit all changes:
bin/upgrade ademe --build --commit
To upgrade a list of 3 sites but without testing the build or committing the changes:
bin/upgrade ademe funcampus funcorporate
To upgrade all the sites handled in the site factory:
bin/upgrade --build --commit
Making a release is automated. The choice between a minor or a revision type of release is determined by the presence of an addition, a change or a removal. A revision release is made if only fixes are present in the changelog, otherwise a minor release is made.
For example, to release a specific site and commit all changes:
bin/release ademe --commit
If you consider that the changelog contains breaking changes, you can force a major release
by passing the parameter --major
To release a list of 3 sites but without committing the changes:
bin/release ademe funcampus funcorporate --major
To release all the sites handled in the site factory:
bin/release --commit
After merging release commits to the main branch, you can tag them automatically by running:
bin/tag -c
This work is released under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (see LICENSE).