Retrieve enrollment status for ongoing course runs
Add a shortcut route to redirect to the course page through a course code.
Add cunningham and design system.
Specific sidebar for order related routes
List teacher's course's course runs in the teacher course dashboard page.
Teacher dashboard course list now includes courses and courses product
Add a page for training details (courseProductRelation) in the teacher
Add a link to the LMS course run session in teacher dashbaord course run lists
Finalize the design of teacher dashboard organization sidebar.
Use union of organization courses and course product relations on organization
course's listing page.
The product purchase button is now disabled and display a contextual
information message when the product have no remaining order.
Add all available languages for the course in the characteristics section
on the course details page.
Change footer text and remove datime on glimpse course according state.
Bind settings.FEATURES
into FRONTEND_CONTEXT['context']
through context_processor
Show original language name on the menu instead of translating it on the
current language.
Replace helix factories by homemade engine using typescript.
Use css colors from cunningham instead of palette.scss
Improve the design of the dashboards layouts.
Improve the design of the dashboards sidebars.
Move course's syllabus course runs list to React.
Migrate wishlist to new API.
Remove unused route in teacher dashboard.
Fix teacher dashbaord breadcrumb.
You can’t perform that action at this time.