Added structured data markup for course detail pages
Course code information on the course glimpse
Course introduction and code to the search index and API
Documentation on connecting Richie with OpenEdX
Add robots.txt template with a sitemap rule so it is no longer needed to register the sitemap.xml URL from each crawler administration panel
Add a new web analytics feature with support for Google Analytics by default
Richie is now compatible with both ES6 and ES7
Increase blogpost excerpt size limit to 240 characters
Change organization icon on course glimpse to a building
Boost course title field by a factor of 20 (empirical) for fulltext queries
Sort related blogposts by their publication date (latest comes first)
Upgrade to DjangoCMS 3.9.0 (and subsequently to Django 3.2.6)
Fix course teaser layout issues on Safari
Fix html landmarks for screen readers
Fix link to homepage should have a default title for context
Escape FRONTEND_CONTEXT characters for use in Javascript string
Reverse 401 and 403 errors in course run synchronization webhook
Fix missing persons search index update on publish/unpublish
Delete object from search indices when its page is unpublished
Fix section on blogpost detail page which was breaking the flow for children
Hide unpublished pages when getting related objects on a public page
Fix course and organization code fields normalization and validation
Fix search bug due to wrong ordering of char filters
Stop indexing unpublished categories
Repatriate within our codebase the deprecated bootstrap mixin make-container-max-widths
Fix course teaser layout issues on Safari
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