This document is a GitHub repository temmplate for write describers for any Provider you want.
First, you need to fork this repository to your account. Then, you can create a new repository using this template.
Fill the information of the Provider you want to describe in the configs folder.
Fill the Credential information of the Provider in the credentials.go file.
package configs
type IntegrationCredentials struct {
// You should provide Credentials for any Provider.
Fill the Integration information of the Provider in the general.go file.
package configs
import ""
const (
IntegrationTypeLower = "integrationType" // example: aws, azure
IntegrationName = integration.Type("INTEGRATION_NAME") // example: AWS_ACCOUNT, AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION
OGPluginRepoURL = "repo-url" // example:
Fill the describer wrapper in the describer_wrapper.go file.
You should implement two functions:
DescribeListByProvider: This function should return a list of resources of the Provider.
DescribeSingleByProvider: This function should return a single resource of the Provider.
Theses functions are wrapper for the describer any resource of the Provider.
Create a new file in the describers folder with the name of the resource you want to describe.
Implement the describer in the file you created in the previous step. Implement two List and Get functions:
List: This function should return a list of resources of the Provider.
Get: This function should return a single resource of the Provider.
Note: You can use the example describer as a reference. Example is for describing CohereAI datasets resource.
You should fill the model of the resource in the models.go.
You can define models for the resource you want to describe. The main model of the resource should have Description
type DatasetDescription struct {
ID string
Name string
CreatedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
DatasetType string
ValidationStatus string
ValidationError string
Schema string
RequiredFields []string
PreserveFields []string
DatasetParts []DatasetPart
ValidationWarnings []string
TotalUsage float64
type DatasetPart struct {
ID string
Name string
All models without Description
suffix should be used for the response of the Provider API and they will be ignored in the main files.
Note: Please Do not add json:"-"
tag to the models which has Description suffix. Also any model refrenced in these models.
For genertaing the all neccessary files, you should run this three commands:
go run pkg/sdk/runable/resurce_type/main.go
go run pkg/sdk/runable/steampipe_es_client_generator/main.go
go run pkg/sdk/runable/steampipe_index_map/main.go
First you nedd to add credentials to the describer.go. Then you can run the describer with the following command:
go run command/main.go
result will be saved in the output.json file.
Note: Next steps are optional.
You can connect the describer to steampipe. For this, you should implement the steampipe plugin.
You can use the example plugin as a reference. Example is for describing CohereAI datasets resource.
Add a file with this format: table_resource.go
in the plugin folder.
You Should implement the table definition for the resource. Example file is for describing CohereAI datasets resource.
Note: Transform Field should have Description.
Add you function to [plugin.go] file in the plugin.go.
Build the plugin with the Dockefile and run the plugin with the following command:
You can import the plugin to steampipe and test it.