Make DecisionMasters with ease!
This is a Rails 7, TailwindCSS, Hotwire and React powered web app that lets users create, preview and export content for DecisionMaster.
You'll need:
- Ruby
- PostgreSQL
- node
- yarn
(probably also build tools for native extensions, but only worry about this should installing the dependencies fail)
- Install Ruby dependencies:
- Install JS dependencies:
Generate secret_key, master.key: bin/rails credentials:edit
, add lockup config as described in config/credentials.yml.example.
Adjust the rest of the config files (particularly config/database.yml, config/storage.yml and config/cable.yml) as needed.
- Start the local dev server:
bin/rails s -b
- Start JS compilation:
yarn build:js --watch
- Start CSS compilation:
yarn build:css --watch
- (optional) Start the dev console:
bin/rails c
An example Dockerfile and gitlab ci instructions are provided. We recommend running against postgresql, azure storage and redis but on a dedicated server sqlite and local storage should be fine.