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Hugene2002 onnex2024

Onnex Inc Huntington Beach, CA

Murat Kasimov iokasimov
Software designer


Ethan Celletti Gekctek
Motoko Internet Computer Freelance Developer with @edjCase

Seattle, WA USA

Marco Walz marc0olo
Developer Relations @dfinity

@DFINITY Heilbronn, Germany

Wira Pratama Putra wirapratamaz
Web3 Builder, Full Stack Developer | DeAI Enthusiast

@bridge-23 @galaxydo Bali

Billel REDOUANE bilred
Payments as a Service, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Fiat money, Generative AI, I love the cutting-edge fintech


Sam-the-tutor sam-the-tutor
Passionate about web3 || Technical Writer

self employed home

Brian G BrianGitz

United States International University - Africa

samlinux samlinux
I’m interested in creating decentralized and Angular applications. I’m currently learning, Angular and Motoko.

sdg - samlinux development gorup Klagenfurt