Welcome to our public Github repository.
This repository is brought to you from the IC Academy, a member of the samlinux development group (SDG) based in Austria.
- ic-solidjs - A SolidJS starter for the Internet Computer.
- ic-vercel-sveltekit-2 - A sveltekit starter for a VERCEL project with SSR.
- ic-angular - A starterkit for Angular on the Internet Computer.
- ic-alpinejs - An IC Alpine.js starter kit with minimal frontend code to access an Internet Computer backend canister.
- ic-astro-svelte - This is a starter dapp for the Internet Computer built with Astro and Svelte.
- ic-svelte - This template is intended to make it easier for you to get started with development with the Internet Computer, Svelte, TypeScript and Vite.
- ic-svelteKit - A SvelteKit starter template 2024 edition.
- ic-svelteKit-starter - IC SvelteKit (import.meta.env) Starter
- ic-nuxt - IC Nuxt Starter
- Master Deployments of Static Websites on the Internet Computer - Demo project: Master Deployments of Static Websites on the Internet Computer.
- Github Codespace Motoko Starter - Github Codespace Motoko Starter - ready to use
- StarterKit - StarterKit
- codeLab-01 - How to work with Motoko's Result variant type.
- Internet Identity for Svelte and SolidJS - A comparison of how Internet Identity can be integrated with Svelte and SolidJs frontend applications.