- Package Prerequisites
- Installation Guide
- Capturing Face Action Server
- Find Matched Face Action Server
- Find Attributes Action Server
- Clear Database Action Server
- Paremeter setting
- Run a simple demo
- numpy>=1.14.0
pip install numpy
- pandas>=0.23.4
pip install pandas
- gdown>=3.10.1
pip install gdown
- tqdm>=4.30.0
pip install tqdm
- Pillow>=5.2.0
pip install pillow
- opencv-python>=
pip install opencv-python
- tensorflow>=1.9.0
pip install tensorflow
- keras>=2.2.0
pip install keras
- Flask>=1.1.2
pip install -U Flask
- mtcnn>=0.1.0
pip install mtcnn
- lightgbm>=2.3.1
pip install lightgbm
- dlib>=19.20.0
pip install dlib
- retina-face>=0.0.1
pip install retina-face
- mediapipe>=
pip install mediapipe
- fastai=='1.0.61'
pip install fastai==1.0.61
- pickle
pip install pickle-mixin
- rospy
sudo apt-get install -y python-rospy
- actionlib
sudo apt-get install -y python-actionlib
- cv_bridge
sudo apt-get install ros-(ROS version name)-cv-bridge
- glob
pip install glob2
- deepface
pip install deepface
- Git clone the repo
Download the file, 'ff_stage-1-256-rn50.pkl', in Google Drive, 'Robocup@Home->Perception->Facial Recognition', to 'orion_face_recognition/src/flib/'- (Suggested) Create a folder in /orion_face_recognition, called 'saved_faces'
- build the package
- (Suggested) Go through each configure file in 'orion_face_recognition/config/', change the parameter accordingly
This action server is used to register faces (potentially with different representations) to the database
Action Name: as_Capface
Action msg path: orion_face_recognition/ActionServer_CapFaceAction
Action Specification: (type is in bracket)
(string) face_id
(string) name
(int32) If_saved
(float32) time
face_id: specifying the name of the face. e.g, Tom, 1 ...
name: same as face_id
If_saved: indicating whether face is successfully saved in the database. (1 for success. 0 for failure)
time: not assigned
How to start the action server:
- Set the parameters in
- Start the action server with command
roslaunch orion_face_recognition as_capface_flib_node.launch
Topic to check capture result: /CapResult
This action server is used to compare the captured face from real-time camera to those saved in the database and return the most matched face in the database. (second most matched face is also available)
Action Name: as_Findmatch
Action msg path: orion_face_recognition/ActionServer_FindMatchAction
Action Specification: (type is in bracket)
(string) temp
(string) file_name
(string) file_name_2ndbest
(string) face_id
(float32) best_match_score
(float32) second_best_match_score
(float32) time
temp: No need to assign any value, just call the action server
file_name: the full path of the best matched face image file
file_name_2ndbest: the full path of the second best matched face image file
face_id: the face_id of the best matched face image file
best_match_score: for all captured face, the ratio of those matched to the best matched face image file in the total number of captured face (will be combined with second_best_match_score if both files refer to the same person (but different representation))
second_best_match_score: for all captured face, the ratio of those matched to the second best matched face image file in the total number of captured face
time: not assigned
How to start the action server:
- Set the parameters in
- Start the action server with command
roslaunch orion_face_recognition as_findmatch_flib_node.launch
Topic to check match result: /MatchResult
This action server finds the attributes of input face image. The face image can either come from real-time camera or those saved in the database
Action Name: as_Findattrs
Action msg path: orion_face_recognition/ActionServer_FindAttrsAction
Action Specification: (type is in bracket)
(string) face_id
(string[ ]) attrs
(int32) num_attrs
(float32) time
face_id: If leave empty, action server will capture faces from real-time camera output, then analyze the attributes of those captured faces. If a face_id is given, action server will analyze the attributes of all faces that match the face_id in the database
attrs: a string list of attributes
num_attrs: number of attributes in attrs
time: not assigned
How to start the action server:
- Set the parameters in
- Start the action server with command
roslaunch orion_face_recognition as_findattrs_flib_node.launch
A potential issue: If you give a face_id (find attributes of image in the database), you need to make sure every face_id in database has a UNIQUE name. (e.g., '1' and '12' are two names in the data base. If you give face_id:'1', attributes of both of the images would be considered, because they all have '1')
This action server clears all the files in the database
Action Name: as_Cleardatabase
Action msg path: orion_face_recognition/ActionServer_ClearDatabaseAction
Action Specification: (type is in bracket)
(string) temp
(int32) Is_success
(float32) time
- temp: No need to assign any value, just call the action server
- Is_success: indicate whether the action is successful or not. (1 for success. 0 for failure)
- time: not assigned
How to start the action server:
- Set the parameters in
- Start the action server with command
roslaunch orion_face_recognition as_cleardatabase_flib_node.launch
Note: all those dir/path parameter must have '/' on both side
Relative path style: ~/orion_ws/src/orion_face_recognition/, tilde(~) is put at the start
Absolute path style: /home/jianeng/catkin_ws/src/orion_face_recognition/config, No tilde(~)
- img_topic: image topic name to subscribe (e.g., /cv_camera/image_raw)
- database_dir: the directory that is used to save face images
- flib_path: directory of the flib class
- param_path: directoy to put all those yaml files
- wait_time: Time for subscribing the camera topic
- max_face_num: Max number of faces (frames with face) saved in the '__frame_list'
- num_representation: Number of representations for one face
- model_name: Pretrained model name for face recognition: VGG-Face, OpenFace, DeepFace, DeepID
- distance_metric: Metric name for face recognition: cosine, euclidean, euclidean_l2
- detector_backend: Detector backend for face detection: opencv, ssd, dlib, mtcnn, retinaface, mediapipe
- normalization: Normalize the input image before feeding to model: base, raw, Facenet, Facenet2018, VGGFace, VGGFace2, ArcFace
- launch the action server
- run the action client
rosrun actionlib_tools axclient.py Action_Name Action_msg_path
- Send goals from client to let server processing
If you have any question or find any bug, please contact: [email protected]