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Baby Yoda Bot


Your personal Baby Yoda Bot that helps you manage your contacts and notes.

Table of Contents


By GitHub

  1. Download ZIP from GitHub.
  2. Extract the archive.
  3. Install all dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt.
  4. Go to the project folder and run python3

By pip

Available on only for academic purposes.

The latests Alpha version

pip install --index-url baby-yoda-bot

Add --no-deps option if you don't want to install all package dependencies.

pip install --index-url --no-deps baby-yoda-bot

How to run

From the code

from baby_yoda_bot import yoda_say


or directly from the terminal running yoda_bot after installation from pip.

Basic functionality

  • Save contacts with names, addresses, phone numbers, email and birthdays to the contact book.
  • Display a list of contacts whose birthday is a specified number of days from the current date.
  • Check the correctness of the entered phone number and email when creating or editing a record and notify the user in case of incorrect entry.
  • Search by contacts.
  • Edit and delete entries from the contact book.
  • Keep notes with text information.
  • Edit and delete notes.
  • Add and delete tags.
  • Search by notes or tags.

Can be restarted without losing data. All data (contacts, notes) are stored on the hard disk.


Type help to see all commands. The example of the output is below:

add-contact               - used to add a new contact: add-contact
all-contacts              - used to display all contacts: all-contacts
search-contact            - used to search contacts (case-insensitive): search-contact
show-contact              - used to display a contact: show-contact
remove-contact            - used to remove a contact: remove-contact
add-birthday              - used to add a birthday: add-birthday
show-birthday             - used to display a birthday: show-birthday
remove-birthday           - used to remove a birthday: remove-birthday
add-phone                 - used to add a phone: add-phone
add-address               - used to add an address: add-address
show-address              - used to display an address: show-address
add-email                 - used to add an email: add-email
show-email                - used to display an email: show-email
remove-address            - used to remove an address: remove-address
remove-email              - used to remove an email: remove-email
show-phone                - used to display a phone: show-phone
change-phone              - used to change a phone: change-phone
remove-phone              - used to remove a phone: remove-phone
birthdays                 - used to display birthdays in coming days (7 by default) or by a date (DD.MM): birthdays
add-note                  - used to add a note: add-note
show-note                 - used to display a note: show-note
all-notes                 - used to display all notes: all-notes
change-note               - used to change a note: change-note
remove-note               - used to remove a note: remove-note
search-note               - used to search notes by content (case-insensitive): search-note
search-by-tag             - used to display all notes found by a tag (case-insensitive, strict match): search-by-tag
add-tag                   - used to add a tag: add-tag
remove-tag                - used to remove a tag (strict match): remove-tag
all-tags                  - used to display all tags with associated notes: all-tags
save                      - used to save data: save
help                      - used to display information about all commands: help
close | exit              - used to close the program, data will be saved: close

Validation rules:
name                      - from 1 to 30 characters. Example: Max, John Doe, Erika from the gym
phone                     - can begin with + and consist of 12 digits. Example: +380630000001
old phone                 - same as for <phone>
new phone                 - same as for <phone>
address                   - from 5 to 100 characters. Example: USA Brooklyn, state Michigan, 3854 Central Avenue
email                     - a valid email address. Example: [email protected]
Note Id                   - a sequence number, starts from 1
tag                       - from 1 to 15 word characters, no spaces, can be a list separeted by space. Example: shopping buy food
text                      - from 10 to 500 characters
birthday                  - a valid date, equivalent to "DD.MM.YYYY", no future's date of birth. Example: 24.06.2001
birthday range            - a number of days or a date (DD.MM). Example: 14, 01.12
search                    - case-insensitive world characters. Example: Hello World

Some examples of the use of commands


Used to display all commands: help.


Used to add a phone: add-phone.

Enter name: Maxima
Enter phone: +380660000001
Contact "Maxima" added!
Phone number added!


used to change a phone: change-phone.

Enter command: change-phone
(Press Control + C to exit from menu)
Enter name: Maxima
Enter old phone: +380660000001
Enter new phone: +380663330001
Phone number updated!


Used to add a birthday: add-birthday. Will be replaced if already exists.

Enter command: add-birthday
(Press Control + C to exit from menu)
Enter name: Maxima
Enter birthday: 12.12.2001
Birthday added!


Used to add an email: add-email. Will be replaced if already exists.

Enter command: add-email
(Press Control + C to exit from menu)
Enter name: Maxima
Enter email: [email protected]
Email added!


Used to add an address: add-address. Will be replaced if already exists.

Enter command: add-address
(Press Control + C to exit from menu)
Enter name: Maxima
Enter address: Ukraine, Lviv
Address added!


Used to display all contacts: all-contacts.

Enter command: all-contacts

                                             ⚔ All Contacts
┃ Name                  ┃ Phone              ┃ Birthday       ┃ Email                ┃ Address          ┃
│ Maxima                │ +380663330001      │ 12.12.2001     │ [email protected]      │ Ukraine, Lviv    │
│ John Woo              │ +380500000100      │ 10.10.1982     │ [email protected]        │  -               │


Used to remove a contact: remove-contact. You need to confirm with "yes" or "y".

Enter command: remove-contact
(Press Control + C to exit from menu)
Enter name: Maxima
Contact Maxima will be removed, continue? (y/no) y
Contact deleted!


Used to display birthdays that will happen in some days (7 days by default): birthdays.

The example of the output:

                                  🎉 Birthdays
┃ Weekday           ┃ Contacts                                                 ┃
│ Thursday          │ 10.10.1982 John Woo, 10.10.1984 Erika                    │
│ Monday            │ 25.12.1999 Steven Seagal                                 │

The example of the output for a particular date:

Enter command: birthdays
(Press Control + C to exit from menu)
Enter days range (7 by default) or a date (DD.MM): 10.10

                                  🎉 Birthdays
┃ Weekday           ┃ Contacts                                                 ┃
│ Thursday          │ 10.10.1982 John Woo, 10.10.1984 Erika                    │


Used to add a note: add-note.

Enter command: add-note
(Press Control + C to exit from menu)
Enter content: Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown
printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Enter tags, separated only by commas or spaces (optional): lorem dummy
Note added!


Used to display all notes: all-notes

Enter command: all-notes

                                                  ⚔ All Notes
┃ Id         ┃ Content                                                                          ┃ Tags         ┃
│ 2          │ Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem │ dummy, lorem │
│            │ Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an  │              │
│            │ unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen   │              │
│            │ book.                                                                            │              │

close or exit

use close or exit to close the program. The current data will be saved.

Enter command: exit
Goodbye! See you later...


Baby Yoda's assistant bot







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Contributors 4

