Block people visiting your website from Russia, redirect them to a page telling them their Regime is outdated and offering them unbiased news sources in their language.
Block Russian users, redirect Russian users automatically.
So, you're tired of the Russian state invading other countries?
Maybe Russians aren't as "informed" as they could be, maybe it's an old auntie believing in the lies of their last century regime trying to just be a good citizen. Let the user know that’s an outdated regime, and advise them to make an active choice to inform themselves.
With this solution you can check if the user is visting from the russian regime. If so, it will redirect them to a cool looking notice advising the user seek alteranative news sources that are beyond the russian state propaganda wall. It’ll be up to the user to change their opinion on the regime. We cannot force the user!
That's it! As simple as it can get.
Add this line of code anywhere in the <head>
or <body>
of your website.
<script defer src=""></script>
And you're done!
If you don't have access to your website source code your e.g. Wordpress or other software you use might have a "Custom Code" section where you can past this line of code. You can also use Google Tagmanager to add this line of Code as "Custom HTML" that triggers on every pageview.
The script checks for Google bots and will only redirect if it is a human.
No, the script sends people via a link shortener that hides the the referrer.
Made with love for the people of Ukraine.
This project is a satire and uses the design and concept of an outdated browser warning that was originally designed at Bürocratik.