This is just a fun little website that looks like a hyper terminal. This is the 2nd iteration of this idea, originally it was built in Vue 4ish years ago, a year later (2019) it was rebuilt using React.js and a Node.js server for the Twilio API.
There are some text "files" that you can interact with:
List out files
about.txt hello.txt portfolio.txt skills.txt text.js
Show Contents of About.txt
cat about.txt
I'm Paine! I'm a frontend developer at Shopify and I have a passion for creating and UI & UX. In my free time I enjoy cooking and making art.
Contacting Me
node text.js 1234567890 hi there
Your text message was sent!
v3.0 TBD
- I may recreate this in Remix and redeploy onto Netlify. It is currently hosted on an ancient Dokku instance in Digital Ocean 🦈.
- Another improvement might be standardizing the theme to use Hyper's theme settings so that it will be much easier to add new ones 👔.
- More keyboard interactions. I think finding a balance between a true terminal and a fun emulation needs to be found. It's very tedious to add these ⌨️.
- More fun easter eggs 🐣
- TailwindCSS instead of styled components 💨
- Vanilla React Context instead of Recoil.js 🍦
- handle multi-line output 📜