This is the uncertainties
Python package, which performs transparent
calculations with uncertainties (aka "error propagation"):
>>> from uncertainties import ufloat >>> from uncertainties.umath import * # sin(), etc. >>> x = ufloat(1, 0.1) # x = 1+/-0.1 >>> print 2*x 2.00+/-0.20 >>> sin(2*x) # In a Python shell, "print" is optional 0.9092974268256817+/-0.08322936730942848
This package also automatically calculates derivatives of arbitrary functions:
>>> (2*x+1000).derivatives[x] 2.0
The main documentation is available at
The release
branch is the latest stable release. It should pass the tests.
branches in the Github repository are bleeding-edge, and do not
necessarily pass the tests. The master
branch is the latest, relatively
stable versions (while other master*
branches are more experimental).
Other branches might be present in the GitHub repository, but they are typically temporary and represent work in progress that does not necessarily run properly yet.
This package and its documentation are released under the Revised BSD License.