- Game foudation using Heart package
- unity 6 LTS
- scriptingBackend : IL2CPP
- apiCompatibilityLevel : .NET Standard 2.1
You can choose one of the following ways
1, Using button Use this template
to create new project using this template, and now you can do anything with this
2, for only install heart as package module ----> add directly in manifest.json
in folder Packages/manifest.json
"com.pancake.heart": "https://github.com/pancake-llc/foundation.git?path=Assets/Heart#3.2.1",
├── _Root
│ ├── Animations
│ ├── Editor
│ ├── Effects
│ ├── Fonts
│ ├── Materials
│ ├── Prefabs
│ ├── Resources
│ ├── Scenes
│ ├── Scripts
│ ├── Sounds
│ ├── Spines
│ ├── Sprites
│ ├── Storages
├── Heart
│ ├── Common
│ ├── Core
│ ├── Editor
│ ├── Modules
└── ...
DO not put anything into folder Heart, any new asset should be place under folder _Root
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