A browser extension that plays a song when your HTTP server is down.
[AVAILABLE ON CHROME] (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/discotheque/dgdenkmmheancojbadfmfnmikekmbbik)
- polls given URL and checks for HTTP status 200
- opens a window with given link (e.g. SoundCloud song) when server goes down
- closes the window when service starts responding again
- click on the icon and select "Options"
- fill in the URL you want to monitor
- click on the icon and select "Start"
- Done!
You can optionally change the song URL and polling interval.
- it's a WIP
- only one configurable address
- probably works only in Chrome
- it was all an idea of [xBajci] (https://github.com/xBajci) and [petrSchreiber] (https://github.com/petrSchreiber)
- icon made by [Jeanette Foshee] (https://sites.google.com/site/jeanettefoshee/)
Discotheque is not inteded to be a replacement for proper crash reporting.