Module for working with the site with python
Dnevnik object accepts login and password from the account
Methods: homework, marks, searchpeople, birthdays, week
Read the full functionality of the module here: Wiki
(Doesn't work in regions where you can enter the Diary only through GosUslugi !)
Run the command in the terminal:
pip install dnevnikru
from dnevnikru import Dnevnik
dairy = Dnevnik(login='Your login', password='Your password')
homework = dairy.homework(studyyear=2020, datefrom='01.12.2020', dateto='30.12.2020')
marks = dairy.marks(index=0, period=1)
class_11b = dairy.searchpeople(grade='11B')
birthdays = dairy.birthdays(day=9, month=5)
schedule = dairy.week(info="schedule", weeks=-1)
For more examples of uses and parameters in methods, see Wiki.
The module requires requests
, lxml
, bs4
- 1.0
Aleksandr – tg: @paracosm17 – email: [email protected]
Distributed under the Apache License 2.0 license. See LICENSE
for more information.