Forked from: saitho/hda-fbi-beamer-template
This template is based on the beamer template for Utrecht University made by Jurian Baas and Jan de Mooij.
- Using GIFs in Beamer:
You change faculties by setting the faculty property in the \usetheme command.
Example for IT faculty:
\usetheme[university=hda, faculty=fbi]{fibeamer}
This will automatically set the faculty colours, logo and watermark. If no faculty is set or the faculty has not been configured yet, the default h_da colors will be used.
Supported faculties:
- fbi
In the following [faculty] is the name of your faculty (e.g. fbi, fbmn, ...).
- Add the faculty logo file
. Make sure the logo has similar dimensions than the original h_da logo (logo.png). - Add the watermark file `fibeamer/theme/hda/watermark-[faculty].png. Make sure the logo has similar dimensions than the original h_da watermark (watermark.png).
- Add a new file
where you can set the faculty color theme.
\colorlet{fibeamer@primary}{fibeamer@red!60!fibeamer@black} % dark red
\colorlet{fibeamer@secondary}{fibeamer@red!30!fibeamer@white} % light red
\colorlet{fibeamer@frontMatterTextColor}{fibeamer@white} % Color of the text on the first slide
Additionally you can override any color that is provided via the \colorprovide command inside the beamercolorthemefibeamer-hda.sty