Helpers for testing Passport strategies with the Chai assertion library.
$ npm install @passport-next/chai-passport-strategy
Use this plugin as you would all other Chai plugins:
var chai = require('chai');
Once used, the chai.passport.use
helper function will be available to set up
test cases for Passport strategies.
The helper function can be called from a hook to setup the test case. The
helper returns a wrapper on which callbacks are registered to be executed
when the strategy invokes its final action function. The callbacks correspond
to Passport's strategy API: success()
, fail()
, redirect()
, pass()
, and
. If the strategy invokes an action that doesn't have a registered
callback, the test helper will automatically throw an exception.
The following demonstrates a Mocha test case, taken from passport-http-bearer's test suite.
describe('token strategy', function() {
var strategy = new Strategy(function(token, done) {
if (token == 'vF9dft4qmT') {
return done(null, { id: '1234' }, { scope: 'read' });
return done(null, false);
describe('handling a request with valid credential in header', function() {
var user
, info;
before(function(done) {
.success(function(u, i) {
user = u;
info = i;
.req(function(req) {
req.headers.authorization = 'Bearer vF9dft4qmT';
it('should supply user', function() {
it('should supply info', function() {