Series of lessons introducing front-end basics.
- To run the demos simply open any index file in Chrome.
- Get a copy of Sublime Text (free) to edit the HTML / CSS.
- Save changes and refresh your browser to see the changes.
1.1 Course introduction
1.2 Course objectives
1.3 HTML + CSS refresher
- What is HTML
- Document structure
- Attributes
- What is CSS
- Cascading
- Specificity
- Block / Inline
- What is Javascript
2.1 Introduction
- Revision
2.2 CSS layouts
- Box model
- Visualising designs
- Float
- Practical examples
2.3 CSS Responsive design
- What is 'responsive design'?
- What is 'mobile first'?
- Why mobile first for business?
- Why mobile first for the user?
- Practical examples
3.1 Introduction
- CSS layout revision
- CSS layout bonus - positioning; static, absolute, relative and fixed
3.2 CSS typography
- A brief history of type on the web
- The present: webfonts
- Limitations
- Photoshop vs browser type (also introducing Sketch)
- Typography with CSS
3.3 CSS UI elements
- Inputs and forms
- Carousel widget
4.1 Introduction
- CSS typography / UI revision
- A brief history of animation
- Why animation - experience and accessibility
- Why not animation?
4.2 CSS Transitions
- Transition basics
- What can / can't be animated
- Tweening
- Poor performance
4.3 CSS Transformations
- 2D Transforms
- 3D Transforms
- Performance
4.4 CSS Keyframe Animation
- Keyframe multi-step example
5.1 Introdction
- CSS Animation revision
- A brief history of web development
5.2 Front-end / back-end
- Front-end development
- Back-end development
5.3 Dev team: Agile, JIRA
- Agile
- Jira
5.4 Technical methodoglogy
- Git
- Stash
6.1 Introduction
- Development, agile, Git revision
- A brief history of web infrastructure
6.2 CI (Continuous Integration)
- What is CI?
- Agile and CI
- The deployment pipeline
- Blue / Green deployment
6.3 CDN / Infrastructure
- What is a CDN?
- Origin, Client, Server, Edge
- Infrastructure topology
- Benefits of a CDN
- Limitations of a CDN
6.4 Image Resizer
- Handling media
- Picture element
7.1 Introduction to the miscellany
- Revision
7.2 Video on the web
- A brief history
- Standards and vendor formats
- Brightcove player
7.3 Vector Images
- Legacy formats
- Animating SVGs
- Icon web fonts vs SVGs
- Assets
7.3 Tracking + SEO
- Why track?
- Why SEO?
- Ominture click tracking
- Semantic documents for SEO
8.1 Bringing it all together
- Introduction to the summary
8.2 HTML Revision
- In a nutshell
- Attributes
- Picture, Video, Audio
8.3 CSS Revision
- Basics
- Layouts
- Responsive Design
- Typography
- Animation
8.3 Development Practices
- Front-end / Back-end
- Agile, Git
8.4 Infrastructure
- Akamai / cache
- Continuous Integration