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Instruction for using


  1. Clone this project into specific directory on your server, and go to this directory.
  2. Run composer install command from your terminal.
  3. Configure your server for using api, according to the laravel docs.
  4. Copy .env.example file to .env file and .env.testing files. Set APP_URL param in these files.
  5. Create databases:
    • For common usage, and set DB_DATABASE param on .env file
    • For testing, and set DB_DATABASE param on .env.testing file
    • Set other params in both files: DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD
  6. run php artisan key:generate
  7. run php artisan migrate:fresh --seed command to create tables and set default user.

Task with normalized string

For using first task, just run command from your terminal: php check:string some-string.


Before using api requests, take out the api key(api_token) from table users of your database. You can also take it from DatabaseSeeder class(api_token). You should add this key to any request you would like to perform(api_token=needed_token).

Api requests

url method description
/api/image/store-files POST storing array of files
/api/image/store-from-remote-source POST storing from remote source(only one file)
/api/image/store-from-base64 POST from base 64
/api/image/create-resize POST creates resize on filesystem and updates table
/api/image/resizes GET getting list of created resizes for specific image
/api/image/resize DELETE deleting specific resize
/api/image/all-resizes DELETE deleting all resizes from specific image


Just run all tests from tests directory.


Just for work






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