Gallant Games, LLC
- Edmond, Oklahoma
- http://www.gallantgames.com
- @pbhogan
- @pbhogan@mastodon.gamedev.place
stimulus-rails Public
Forked from hotwired/stimulus-railsUse Stimulus in your Ruby on Rails app
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 3, 2024 -
coffee-script-source Public
Forked from rubyonrails3/coffee-script-sourceCoffeeScript Compiler source used by coffeescript gem which is used by coffee-rails gem
Ruby UpdatedAug 6, 2024 -
scrypt Public
A Ruby gem with native C extension for the scrypt password hashing algorithm.
rerun Public
Forked from alexch/rerunRestarts an app when the filesystem changes. Uses growl and FSEventStream if on OS X.
Ruby Other UpdatedMay 22, 2024 -
sterile Public
A Ruby gem that helps you sterilize your strings, transliterate, properly titlecase, generate slugs, smart format, strip tags, encode/decode entities and more.
sidekiq Public
Forked from sidekiq/sidekiqSimple, efficient background processing for Ruby
Ruby Other UpdatedDec 27, 2023 -
model_cache Public
And ActiveRecord extension that allows for caching based on latest updated_at time.
BlobTransfers Public
Experimental BLOB Transfers (for Unity Netcode for Entities)
Unity.Mathematics Public
Forked from Unity-Technologies/Unity.MathematicsThe C# math library used in Unity providing vector types and math functions with a shader like syntax
C# Other UpdatedFeb 14, 2022 -
TinyJSON Public
TinyJSON is a simple JSON library for C# that strives for ease of use.
Celeste Public
Forked from NoelFB/CelesteCeleste Bugs & Issue Tracker
InControl Public
An input manager for Unity that tames the cross-platform controller beast.
sparkpost_rails Public
Forked from the-refinery/sparkpost_railsSparkpost delivery method for ActionMailer
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 14, 2021 -
default_value_for Public
Forked from FooBarWidget/default_value_forProvides a way to specify default values for ActiveRecord models
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 14, 2021 -
jstz-rails Public
Forked from vanetten/jstz-railsjstz.js GEMified for the Rails >= 3.1 asset pipeline
Ruby Other UpdatedJul 11, 2018 -
bootstrap Public
Forked from twbs/bootstrapThe most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
CSS MIT License UpdatedJan 26, 2018 -
whitespacer Public
Strips trailing whitespace, adds a trailing newlines when an editor is saved and does tab to spaces conversions.
substance-syntax Public
A dark theme for Atom based on the Railcasts color scheme.
CSS MIT License UpdatedJan 30, 2017 -
devise-async Public
Forked from velocity-labs/devise-asyncSend Devise's emails in background. Supports Resque, Sidekiq, Delayed::Job and QueueClassic.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 28, 2016 -
streamio-ffmpeg Public
Forked from streamio/streamio-ffmpegSimple yet powerful ruby ffmpeg wrapper for reading metadata and transcoding movies
Ruby MIT License UpdatedAug 24, 2015 -
js-routes Public
Forked from railsware/js-routesBrings Rails named routes to javascript
Ruby MIT License UpdatedApr 14, 2015 -
activerecord-import Public
Forked from zdennis/activerecord-importExtraction of the ActiveRecord::Base#import functionality from ar-extensions for Rails 3 and beyon
Ruby Other UpdatedFeb 10, 2015