- Nova distribution
- Canvia mida root i tip
- Centrar en les x
- Sweep angle
- Exportar a GID tota l'estructura interior
- Exportar a GID tota l'estructura exterior
- Add more non-naca airfoils
- Check, when exporting profile 50 points beam 0.3; strange point below
- Check, the airfoil tip is wierd // Nothing to do, bad data
- Finish spline
- Add longer beam
- Add fluid box
- Add kratos problem type and groups (over surface, under surface, root vertices)
- Add NACA
- When using the export option "useVerticesFrom", update the vertex dependecy counter
- Fix normal generator
- Fix box sentits
- Add volumes
- Pre-apply conditions
- Add each external surface to a group
- Add a pressure value for each surface (for test)
- Estimate the pressure value from the results and apply it
- Import result
- Add angle of attack as a parameter
- Add solids
- Export real fluid volume
- Use new model (shared vertices and segments), more layers
- Correct root section
- Export root non displacement
- Upload gid file with mesh and conditions
- Export mesh file and nodes and elements and materials (take them from the file before)
- Allow to use your own dat files
- Move it to github pages?
- Add a link to the github readme
- Add a fork-me on github badge
- Be able to save the project (save a json file inside a zip with .wing file)